phonegap / phonegap-plugin-media-stream

Apache License 2.0
33 stars 21 forks source link

plugin not useable on case sensitive filesystem #25

Open stuuu68 opened 5 years ago

stuuu68 commented 5 years ago

Expected Behaviour

When installing phonegap platform ios the plugin should correctly copy files. If symlinks are created to workaround then the plugin installs without error. $ ln -s mediadevices.js plugins/phonegap-plugin-media-stream/www/MediaDevices.js $ ln -s mediastream.js plugins/phonegap-plugin-media-stream/www/MediaStream.js $ ln -s iOS plugins/phonegap-plugin-media-recorder/src/ios

Actual Behaviour

Installation fails due to files not found (e.g. MediaDevicesjs)

Reproduce Scenario (including but not limited to)

(Android) What device vendor (e.g. Samsung, HTC, Sony...)

Cordova CLI version and cordova platform version

cordova --version                                    # e.g. 6.0.0
cordova platform version android                     # e.g. 4.1.1

Plugin version

phonegap-plugin-media-stream@1.2.1 cordova plugin version | grep phonegap-plugin-image-capture # e.g. 1.5.3

Sample Code that illustrates the problem

Logs taken while reproducing problem

goynov commented 5 years ago

I have the same issue with cordova 8.

omiwrench commented 5 years ago

Same issue here, although i guess this repo is not maintained anymore so w/e