phonegap / phonegap-plugin-push

Register and receive push notifications
MIT License
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different behaviour when receiving notification in android and ios #2527

Open bhumin3i opened 6 years ago

bhumin3i commented 6 years ago

Expected Behaviour

We should able to view notification in notification panel(when app is not active) or as a dialogue(when app is in foreground)

Actual Behaviour

Case 1 (Android) : Unable to view notification in notification panel but when app is in foreground we can see notification . Case 2 (iOS) : When receiving notification it shows in notification panel but can's see it as dialogue when app is in foreground.

Reproduce Scenario (including but not limited to)

Steps to Reproduce

Platform and Version (eg. Android 5.0 or iOS 9.2.1)

cli packages: (/usr/local/lib/node_modules)

    @ionic/cli-plugin-proxy : 1.5.8
    @ionic/cli-utils        : 1.19.2
    ionic (Ionic CLI)       : 3.20.0

global packages:

    cordova (Cordova CLI) : 8.0.0

local packages:

    @ionic/app-scripts : 3.1.9
    Cordova Platforms  : android 7.1.0 ios 4.5.5
    Ionic Framework    : ionic-angular 3.9.2


    Android SDK Tools : 26.1.1
    ios-deploy        : 1.9.2
    ios-sim           : 6.1.2
    Node              : v8.9.4
    npm               : 6.3.0
    OS                : macOS High Sierra
    Xcode             : Xcode 9.4.1 Build version 9F2000

(Android) What device vendor (e.g. Samsung, HTC, Sony...)


Cordova CLI version and cordova platform version

 android 7.1.0 ios 4.5.5

Plugin version

cordova plugin version | grep phonegap-plugin-push # phonegap-plugin-push 2.2.3 "PushPlugin"

Sample Push Data Payload

var anroidTemplate = {
                "data": {
                    "style": 'inbox',
                    "title": "(title)",
                    "message": "message",
                    "meetingName": "(meetingname)",
                    "meetingRoom": "(meetingroom)",
                    "organizer": "(orgaizername)",
                    "startdateTime": "(startdateTime)",
                    "enddateTime": "(enddateTime)"

            var iostemplate = {
                "aps": {
                    "alert": "(message)",                   
                    "title": "(title)",
                    "message": "(message)",
                    "meetingName": "(meetingname)",
                    "meetingRoom": "(meetingroom)",
                    "organizer": "(orgaizername)",
                    "startdateTime": "(startdateTime)",
                    "enddateTime": "(enddateTime)"


Sample Code that illustrates the problem

const pushObject: PushObject = this.push.init(options);
    pushObject.on('notification').subscribe((notification: any) => {
      console.log('notification recive',JSON.stringify(notification));
      if (notification.additionalData.foreground) {
        this.badgeCount++;'notification:DisplaybadgeCount', this.badgeCount);
      } else {
        console.log('nav push',this.nav.getActive().name);
        this.nav.push('NotificationsPage', { message: notification.message });

Logs taken while reproducing problem

LOG show in android while push send from server but nothing show in iOS

bhumin3i commented 6 years ago

@macdonst any update?

macdonst commented 6 years ago

@bhumin3i I'd have to see some logs from Android when the app is in the background. Run adb logcat | grep Push while reproducing the problem.

For iOS I'd run the app in Xcode to see what the Xcode logs are.

bhumin3i commented 6 years ago

@macdonst Android log :

08-22 12:12:05.336  6651  7358 D Push_FCMService: onMessage - from: xxxxxxxxx
08-22 12:12:05.336  6651  7358 D Push_FCMService: sender id = xxxxxxxxxx
08-22 14:43:01.394  6651 12651 D Push_FCMService: normalize extras
08-22 14:43:01.394  6651 12651 D Push_FCMService: key = organizer
08-22 14:43:01.394  6651 12651 D Push_FCMService: replace key organizer with organizer
08-22 14:43:01.394  6651 12651 D Push_FCMService: key = meetingName
08-22 14:43:01.395  6651 12651 D Push_FCMService: replace key meetingName with meetingName
08-22 14:43:01.395  6651 12651 D Push_FCMService: key = meetingRoom
08-22 14:43:01.395  6651 12651 D Push_FCMService: replace key meetingRoom with meetingRoom
08-22 14:43:01.395  6651 12651 D Push_FCMService: key = style
08-22 14:43:01.395  6651 12651 D Push_FCMService: replace key style with style
08-22 14:43:01.395  6651 12651 D Push_FCMService: key = title
08-22 14:43:01.395  6651 12651 D Push_FCMService: replace key title with title
08-22 14:43:01.396  6651 12651 D Push_FCMService: no locale found for key = title, error Value New of type java.lang.String cannot be converted to JSONObject
08-22 14:43:01.396  6651 12651 D Push_FCMService: key = enddateTime
08-22 14:43:01.396  6651 12651 D Push_FCMService: replace key enddateTime with enddateTime
08-22 14:43:01.396  6651 12651 D Push_FCMService: key = message
08-22 14:43:01.396  6651 12651 D Push_FCMService: replace key message with message
08-22 14:43:01.397  6651 12651 D Push_FCMService: no locale found for key = message, error Value heloooooooo of type java.lang.String cannot be converted to JSONObject
08-22 14:43:01.397  6651 12651 D Push_FCMService: key = startdateTime
08-22 14:43:01.397  6651 12651 D Push_FCMService: replace key startdateTime with startdateTime
08-22 14:43:01.401  6651 12651 D Push_FCMService: foreground
08-22 14:43:01.401  6651 12651 D Push_Plugin: convert extras to json
08-22 14:43:01.401  6651 12651 D Push_Plugin: key = organizer
08-22 14:43:01.401  6651 12651 D Push_Plugin: key = meetingName
08-22 14:43:01.401  6651 12651 D Push_Plugin: key = meetingRoom
08-22 14:43:01.401  6651 12651 D Push_Plugin: key = style
08-22 14:43:01.401  6651 12651 D Push_Plugin: key = title
08-22 14:43:01.401  6651 12651 D Push_Plugin: key = enddateTime
08-22 14:43:01.401  6651 12651 D Push_Plugin: key = message
08-22 14:43:01.401  6651 12651 D Push_Plugin: key = coldstart
08-22 14:43:01.401  6651 12651 D Push_Plugin: key = startdateTime
08-22 14:43:01.401  6651 12651 D Push_Plugin: key = foreground
08-22 14:43:01.402  6651 12651 V Push_Plugin: extrasToJSON: {"title":"New Notification","message":"heloooooooo","additionalData":{"organizer":"","meetingName":"","meetingRoom":"","style":"inbox","enddateTime":"","coldstart":false,"startdateTime":"","foreground":true}}

iOS : nothing show in log.

also in iOS not able to see any log while send notification from server.

  pushObject.on('notification').subscribe((notification: any) => {
 console.log('notification recive',JSON.stringify(notification));

in background I'm able to see notification but when app is in foreground nothing to see in application.

Schwoebel commented 6 years ago

I am having a similar problem.

If I use the 'aps' key like it says in the documentation I do not get the notification on IOS.

If I use the 'notification' key I get the notification on IOS and my on('notification') callbacks get called in IOS.

but If I have the 'notification' key in the message, my on('notification') callbacks won't get called on Android.

Works: {to: 'key', 'data':{}, 'notification':{}} Does not work {to:'key', 'data':{}, 'aps':{}}

Please make this work like the documentation says it should.

bhumin3i commented 6 years ago

@Schwoebel Thanks for your reply but I'm using azure notification hub, now it is working on android but when I'm in forground in iOS it doesn't works but when my app is in background I receive the notification. my payload is

var anroidTemplate = {
               "data": {
                   "style": 'inbox',
                   "title": "(title)",
                   "message": "message",
                   "meetingName": "(meetingname)",
                   "meetingRoom": "(meetingroom)",
                   "organizer": "(orgaizername)",
                   "startdateTime": "(startdateTime)",
                   "enddateTime": "(enddateTime)"

           var iostemplate = {
               "aps": {
                   "alert": "(message)",                   
                   "title": "(title)",
                   "message": "(message)",
                   "meetingName": "(meetingname)",
                   "meetingRoom": "(meetingroom)",
                   "organizer": "(orgaizername)",
                   "startdateTime": "(startdateTime)",
                   "enddateTime": "(enddateTime)"

bhumin3i commented 6 years ago

@macdonst any update bro?

pushObject.on('notification').subscribe((notification: any) => {
console.log('notification recive',JSON.stringify(notification)); //not working  in iOS 
Schwoebel commented 6 years ago

@bhumin3i I don't think IOS Is going to work with "aps" as your key.

try "notification".

Schwoebel commented 6 years ago

I also learned, and this isn't documented either, that you can 't send one push that covers both types of devices. "aps" doesn't work on ios. "notification" does, BUT if you send a message with a "notification" key and ANdroid app won't fire the "on('notification')" call back.

bhumin3i commented 6 years ago

@Schwoebel thanks but i refer azure template and it mention registration is as follows {"aps": {"alert": "$(message)"}}

bhumin3i commented 6 years ago

@Schwoebel when i change key "aps" to "notification" there is nothing in ios device. even that scenario background notification is also not working. please help me.

bhumin3i commented 6 years ago

@macdonst can you please help me on this as soon as possible?

fredgalvao commented 6 years ago

@Schwoebel This is actually documented [1][2], but I reckon our payload documentation has grown too complex to be readable or used as an argument, so I ask users (like you) to please help us improve it. The notification vs data (android vs ios) issue is now the most reported and misunderstood one on this plugin, and we need to focus on making it crystal clear on the docs to prevent future confusion:

[1]: [2]:

bhumin3i commented 6 years ago

I forgot to mention in my project I am used another plugin which have notification functionality may be it helps you to find out.

macdonst commented 6 years ago

@bhumin3i on Android you showed me an example of the push coming in when the app is in the foreground which is the scenario you don't have a problem with. Can you put the app in the background and send a push message?

What does your init method look like on iOS? Are you registering for APNS or FCM based notifications.

bhumin3i commented 6 years ago

@macdonst thanks for reply, use APNS for sending notification it show up on background but not foreground and doesn't trigger on('notification') event when app in background and foreground.

pushObject.on('notification').subscribe((notification: any) => {});

my code look like :

const options: PushOptions = {
      android: {
        senderID: this._globalVar.pushSenderID
      ios: {
        alert: "true",
        badge: true,
        sound: "false",
        clearBadge: 'true'
      windows: {}
    this._pushObject = this._push.init(options);
bhumin3i commented 6 years ago

hey @macdonst please help me

macdonst commented 6 years ago

@bhumin3i you aren't giving me enough information in order to be able to help you. I still don't see logs from you when the Android app is in the background. I am very surprise that the on('notification') method is not being called if you are seeing the message on iOS. There should be something in the Xcode logs.

bhumin3i commented 6 years ago

@macdonst nothings seems in Xcode log

bhumin3i commented 6 years ago

@macdonst I have used below plugins in my project. Please please help me, my project is going to in UAT.

com.googlemaps.ios 2.7.0 "Google Maps SDK for iOS"
cordova-background-geolocation-lt 2.13.0 "BackgroundGeolocation"
cordova-open-native-settings 1.5.1 "Native settings"
cordova-plugin-background-fetch 5.4.1 "CDVBackgroundFetch"
cordova-plugin-badge 0.8.7 "Badge"
cordova-plugin-cocoalumberjack 0.0.4 "CocoaLumberjack"
cordova-plugin-compat 1.2.0 "Compat"
cordova-plugin-device 2.0.2 "Device"
cordova-plugin-dialogs 2.0.1 "Notification"
cordova-plugin-email-composer 0.8.15 "EmailComposer"
cordova-plugin-geolocation 4.0.1 "Geolocation"
cordova-plugin-googlemaps 2.4.1 "cordova-plugin-googlemaps"
cordova-plugin-ionic-keyboard 2.1.2 "cordova-plugin-ionic-keyboard"
cordova-plugin-ionic-webview 1.2.1 "cordova-plugin-ionic-webview"
cordova-plugin-local-notification 0.9.0-beta.2 "LocalNotification"
cordova-plugin-ms-adal 0.10.1 "ADAL for Cordova"
cordova-plugin-network-information 2.0.1 "Network Information"
cordova-plugin-splashscreen 5.0.2 "Splashscreen"
cordova-plugin-statusbar 2.4.2 "StatusBar"
cordova-plugin-whitelist 1.3.3 "Whitelist"
cordova-sqlite-storage 2.4.0 "Cordova sqlite storage plugin"
es6-promise-plugin 4.1.0 "Promise"
mx.ferreyra.callnumber 0.0.2 "Cordova Call Number Plugin"
phonegap-plugin-barcodescanner 8.0.0 "BarcodeScanner"
phonegap-plugin-push 2.2.3 "PushPlugin"
sentry-cordova 0.12.2 "Sentry"
wifiwizard2 2.1.0 "WifiWizard2"
bhandaribhumin commented 5 years ago

@macdonst can you help me ASAP cause only this bug is show stopper for release application. If you are available on slack or Skype please send me your id on it would be helpfull for me to share my code with you. Thanks. Note : Android works fine but Ios doesn’t.

pankajzanzanefidel commented 5 years ago

@macdonst thanks for reply, use APNS for sending notification it show up on background but not foreground and doesn't trigger on('notification') event when app in background and foreground.

pushObject.on('notification').subscribe((notification: any) => {});

my code look like :

const options: PushOptions = {
   android: {
     senderID: this._globalVar.pushSenderID
   ios: {
     alert: "true",
     badge: true,
     sound: "false",
     clearBadge: 'true'
   windows: {}
 this._pushObject = this._push.init(options);

I am facing same issue, could not figure it out. Can you please guide us. I receive Push when app in background, but when app in foreground I dont receive push in push.on('notification'), this is causing problem

bhandaribhumin commented 5 years ago

@pankajzanzanefidel you are facing on both device or only ios device? android works fine for me but ios still going to not work :(

pankajzanzanefidel commented 5 years ago

Yes same here, on ios it is not working , pain stackingly difficult to same my ass from client now. You were my last hope

On Thu, Oct 4, 2018, 11:03 AM Bhumin wrote:

@pankajzanzanefidel you are facing on both device or only ios device? android works fine for me but ios still going to not work :(

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bhandaribhumin commented 5 years ago

@pankajzanzanefidel sorry bro, can't help you still i'm facing same. but if i got something sure i let you know first.

bhandaribhumin commented 5 years ago

@pankajzanzanefidel i don't know why @macdonst is not helping us. :(

bhumin3i commented 5 years ago

@pankajzanzanefidel any luck?

tpneumat commented 5 years ago

Something to report: With plugin v2.1.3 in iOS, on 'notification' did not fire app was in foreground (i'm sending through AWS SNS =>APNS). Adding "content-available": 1 fixes that problem, and on 'notification' fires, however it also fires in the notifications tray at the same time as if app is running in background. Will try newer version of plugin if I can get it installed.

"alert":template_text, "sound":'default', "badge":1, "notId":aid, "content-available": 1

bhandaribhumin commented 5 years ago

Thanks @tpneumat for helping let me try again with latest version and for your information earlier I tried with latest version but got same