phonegap / phonegap-plugin-push

Register and receive push notifications
MIT License
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iOS: Can't process background notification on low battery #2937

Open KorzeniewskiGrzegorz opened 3 years ago

KorzeniewskiGrzegorz commented 3 years ago

Expected Behaviour

In iOS,background notifications should be processed every time, regardless the low battery (<20%).

Actual Behaviour

On iOS, i am able to process notification in background ONLY if the battery percentage is greater than 20% . If it's less , i only receive the notification, but it is not processed in background (doesn't matter if the device is being charged or not).

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Battery percentage less than 20% ( doesn't matter if the device is being charged or not).
  2. Send notification to the device with content_available set to true (FCM legacy API).
  3. See if notification is processed in background.
  4. Charge battery more than 20%.
  5. Send notification.
  6. The device should process the notification in background.

Platform and Version

iOS 13.5.1

Cordova CLI version and cordova platform version

cordova --version              9.0.0
cordova platform version ios   5.1.1
xcode                          11.3

Plugin version

 phonegap-plugin-push  2.3.0

Sample Push Data Payload

I am using legacy FCM API :

    "body":"Some body",
    "title":"Some Title",

Sample Code that illustrates the problem

code that I use to process notification:

` push = PushNotification.init({
            android: {},
          browser: {
            pushServiceURL: ''
          ios: {
            alert: 'true',
            badge: 'true',
            sound: 'true'
          windows: {}
        push.on('registration', function(data) {
            localStorage.setItem('regId', data.registrationId);
        push.on('error', function(e) {
            debug("push error = " + e.message);

        push.on('notification', function(data) {
            push.getApplicationIconBadgeNumber(function(count) {
                debug('get badge : ' + count);

                push.setApplicationIconBadgeNumber(function() {
                    debug('set badge : ' + count);
                }, function() {
                    debug('set badge error');
                }, count);

            }, function() {
               debug('get badge error: ' + count);

            var configuracion = data.additionalData;

                $('#aviso_mensaje').text(data.title +"\n"+data.message);

            msg_id = data.additionalData['gcm.message_id'];
            () => {
                debug('processing of push data is finished for ID=' +  msg_id);
            () => {
                debug('something went wrong with push.finish for ID =' +  msg_id);

Logs taken while reproducing problem
