phonegap / phonegap-plugin-pwa

A plugin to provide progressive web app API's
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Implement capture attribute for input elements #9

Open macdonst opened 7 years ago

macdonst commented 7 years ago

Make sure we can use the capture attribute to get audio, image or video data.

This could replace:

Also, want to see how getUserMedia/Stream influences this.

macdonst commented 6 years ago

We've created a new plugin at:

That enables users to use getUserMedia on Android. For iOS it is more difficult but we've implemented the JS side of things so users can request a media stream and pass it to the Image Capture API.

awebdeveloper commented 6 years ago

This would be really awesome. If you can get capture working on android(using capture to open camera)

macdonst commented 6 years ago

@awebdeveloper have you looked at:

awebdeveloper commented 6 years ago

yup, but nothing beats <input type="file" capture ........> when i want to support upload + capture scenario

HarelM commented 5 years ago

@awebdeveloper Did you find something that can handle <input type="file" capture ........> for cordova?

awebdeveloper commented 5 years ago

apparently android doesn't support it. search on Cordova's jira you will find someone who has a fork that supports it