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Android Embeddable Webview #105

Closed mwbrooks closed 7 years ago

mwbrooks commented 8 years ago


We're looking into making it more natural for native Android developers to embed the Cordova webview into their project. Our hope is to see this land in Apache Cordova, but will fall back on publishing it as a PhoneGap project.


mwbrooks commented 8 years ago

Cordova community is down for moving forward. Expect this to land on major.

mwbrooks commented 8 years ago

@infil00p is making good progress on this front. A new project structure and plugin structure are under proposal. The new plugin format will need to see updates to plugman and potentially break backwards compatibility.

mwbrooks commented 7 years ago

@infil00p update: Cordova is putting the restructure on hold and focusing on updating plugin structure. This is working through on the Cordova ML. Currently, Joe is working on a PoC on the plugin structure. This may require bumping Android to 5.3, but not a major. After the plugins are working with the old project structure, then an Android 6 (or even 7) release can use the future project structure.

mwbrooks commented 7 years ago

@infil00p has a PoC put together now. At this point, he'll be testing to ensure that plugins continue to work along with plugins that have conflicting dependencies.

mwbrooks commented 7 years ago

Proposal has been sent to the Cordova ML. Waiting for feedback.

mwbrooks commented 7 years ago

Currently working on making the plugins more modular without breaking API changes.

stevengill commented 7 years ago

Added an update for android at

mwbrooks commented 7 years ago

Next step is getting the framework fixes branch into Cordova Android. After this, the MVP of Android Embedded webviews and gradle publishing will start.

mwbrooks commented 7 years ago

From @infil00p:

mwbrooks commented 7 years ago

From @infil00p:

Working on getting a release out that fixes loading plugins using Android modules instead of the Cordova plugin format. This allows Android developers to use plugins without the Cordova tooling.

Joe also emailed the only plugin owner that may have an issue (APK Extension plugin). We will wait to hear back from the owner.

The intention is to avoid breaking anything before we move onto the next step.

Next step is to update the Cordova API to allow querying of plugins installed (not using plugin.json) from the native platform.

infil00p commented 7 years ago

Clarification: Android Modules opens the possibility of allowing dynamic loading of JS to load plugins. It doesn't just do it on it's own. This is a Proof-Of-Concept idea that I'm pursuing next, which may not even be a good idea (perhaps for security reasons). I do want to try and feel it out and see if we can add an API to check which plugins are loaded.

Otherwise, we're stuck having to rely on an external tool like plugman to deal with standard Android projects, and we're stuck dealing with mapping, which will break with third party plugins that deviate from the standard copying of files to the application's source directory.

mwbrooks commented 7 years ago

Anis is working on providing the ability to install plugins for Android Studio projects. There is still unknowns around AAR working in an existing project.

imhotep commented 7 years ago

Plugin installation in Android Studio video here

Code is here: cordova-android cordova-lib

These changes should be backward compatible.

Next Steps:

imhotep commented 7 years ago

PhoneGap JetBrains plugin video here

Code here

purplecabbage commented 7 years ago

Meeting notes here:

Next steps:

imhotep commented 7 years ago

New video


mwbrooks commented 7 years ago

Testing on Windows this week!

stevengill commented 7 years ago

Waiting for cordova-common and cordova-android release. Plugin is working on windows & mac. Need to figure out name.

mwbrooks commented 7 years ago

cordova-common was released last week. This will unblock the cordova-android release, but it will now wait for the cordova-ios release.

infil00p commented 7 years ago

Cordova-Android is in the process of being released today.

imhotep commented 7 years ago

I will update JetBrains plugin with recently released cordova-android and publish this week. I will also record a screencast to show how to use extension in details.

mwbrooks commented 7 years ago

Now that Android has shipped, we can start to look into publishing the JetBrains plugin.

imhotep commented 7 years ago


mwbrooks commented 7 years ago

Re: Blocker

infil00p commented 7 years ago

Re: Blocker

mwbrooks commented 7 years ago

@purplecabbage @imhotep

The Jetbrains plugin has been submitted. Waiting for the approval of it. We don't know how long it'll take (no experience submitting those plugins)

mwbrooks commented 7 years ago


purplecabbage commented 7 years ago

Repo is here:

purplecabbage commented 7 years ago

~Docs here: Docs are now at

mwbrooks commented 7 years ago

This week @mwbrooks will help port the documentation from the PGDayEUWs2016 repo to

purplecabbage commented 7 years ago

Docs are now at They still exist in the other place, but the docs in the plugin repo should now be considered the tip of the spear as there are already updates to them.

mwbrooks commented 7 years ago

@mwbrooks is finishing up the documentation on

mwbrooks commented 7 years ago
purplecabbage commented 7 years ago

Closing this wandering issue in favor of several atomic tasks.