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Create new wikitude samples #215

Closed timkim closed 6 years ago

timkim commented 7 years ago

Wikitude recently released a new version of their SDK which comes with some interesting features. Most notably, instant tracking, which is a feature that allows AR experiences without having to upload an image to track against. Instead whatever is in the camera's view, it'll figure out what the plane is and can rest models on that plane.

See here for official demos:

Anyhow, with the new updates they asked for some new samples from us as demos. I'm currently crafting one by importing 3d models I've been making in MagicaVoxel.

timkim commented 7 years ago

Here's a short video of my progress so far. Built it on top of the pre-existing wikitude samples. Kept on pushing the back button so that's kinda annoying but you get the point:

timkim commented 7 years ago

Here's a newer version:

timkim commented 6 years ago

Project is all done.