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PG CLI Cordova 6 Support #81

Closed mwbrooks closed 8 years ago

mwbrooks commented 8 years ago


Update the PhoneGap CLI to support Cordova 6.0. There are a number of breaking changes, so this will be more than a simple npm version bump.


jessemonroy650 commented 8 years ago

Already broke on PGB.

mwbrooks commented 8 years ago

@jessemonroy650 Can you please file the issue on the PhoneGap Build issue tracker.

jessemonroy650 commented 8 years ago

@mwbrooks Ryan (@wildabeast) appears to have most of these issues dealt with in the forum. Please close. Thanks.

mwbrooks commented 8 years ago

Testing is complete and it's looking good. The release will happen today.

mwbrooks commented 8 years ago

Published as phonegap@6.0.0