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CLI Analytics #9

Closed mwbrooks closed 7 years ago

mwbrooks commented 8 years ago


Add event tracking to the CLI with opt-out option.

purplecabbage commented 8 years ago Now we just need to decide what we want to track, how we want to format the events, and what data to include. Current implementation tracks optIn/optOut + the command issued

mwbrooks commented 8 years ago

Thanks Jesse!

mwbrooks commented 8 years ago

Looks like we now need to review the latest work on the PR.

mwbrooks commented 7 years ago

@surajpindoria, just curious, were you planning to review this work?

surajpindoria commented 7 years ago

I already did. Spoke with @purplecabbage about trying to get the OS / node version tracked as well. From the insight docs it seems like it is getting done, we just can't find it in GA. Still need to investigate a bit more

surajpindoria commented 7 years ago

Merged and released this!