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PhoneGap Blog - Compatibility with old categories (i.e. PhoneGap Build) #102

Closed wildabeast closed 8 years ago

wildabeast commented 8 years ago

The old Build blog url: returns a 404 -- it should forward to the new Build blog url -- but this leads to a related issue: on the old site PGB blog posts were identified by category:build, but I'm not seeing any obvious way to filter by category on the new site. I see the phonegap-build tag, but most PGB blog posts didn't utilize tags.

jahoni commented 8 years ago

@wildabeast Would using tags for build-related posts work (with the ability to filter by that tag), or do you feel that a category (and likely thus a fallback to the old "tabbed" approach) is required?

GarthDB commented 8 years ago

I think I can do it by the category that is applied automatically by being in the build directory.

wildabeast commented 8 years ago

@jahoni tags are fine but I guess that would mean going back through all the old Build blog posts and tagging them with phonegap-build

jahoni commented 8 years ago

isn't that what robots are for?

jahoni commented 8 years ago

The page title for the URL is "PhoneGap Day" ...should be "PhoneGap Build".

I feel like this "half" solves the issue. Users can't come to the blog and view Build posts by tag filtering. They can only manually enter the URL. Further, the link to the blog in the PhoneGap Build global nav goes directly to "" now.

My suggestion is that filtering by the PhoneGap Build tag shows all build articles, and that the link from is to

If there is no way to tag build articles with a robot (I'm not kidding) then I will go through each build file and tag them, and suggest that all build posts be tagged correctly going forward.

wildabeast commented 8 years ago

awesome thanks @GarthDB. just tested an old direct article link as well, looks good ( i'll switch the PGB link bag to the phonegap-build filter.

+1 to @jahoni's suggestion.