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First Pass of Homepage Implementation #2

Closed mwbrooks closed 8 years ago

mwbrooks commented 9 years ago

Let's use this issue to track and implement the first pass at the implementation of the homepage design.

Feel free to comment here as the implementation progresses:

GarthDB commented 9 years ago

screenshots help. homepage-desktop_0000_normal

mwbrooks commented 9 years ago


chrisgriffith commented 8 years ago

Had some visual trouble with the robot feet. I felt i needed to see more leg to make the visual connection. The portion of the robot that is behind the panel is almost too close in color to the panel.

chrisgriffith commented 8 years ago

Thought the PG logo and the top level menu element should be on the solid bg, and not allow for elements to appear under them making it harder to see.

GarthDB commented 8 years ago

@chrisgriffith - yeah, it's not done. I'll file a new issue for it.

Here's the design for it on scroll; it animates down: image

GarthDB commented 8 years ago


mwbrooks commented 8 years ago

Yay! Nice work!