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Newsletter sign up in footer - no form submit feedback #69

Closed alharding closed 8 years ago

alharding commented 8 years ago

There is no feedback to the user that they are subscribed to the email newsletter. It doesn't look like the form is correctly posting the data anywhere.

screen shot 2016-01-21 at 1 14 06 pm

jahoni commented 8 years ago

Where are these emails/signups to be sent to @jenlgray?

jenlgray commented 8 years ago

Campaign Monitor:

screen shot 2016-01-21 at 3 31 00 pm
jenlgray commented 8 years ago

might want to test it first to make sure the signups are getting pumped into Campaign Monitor

GarthDB commented 8 years ago

@jenlgray can you get me the url for the form? I can copy the info and make this for work.

jenlgray commented 8 years ago

Yes, doing some research. Not quite sure where to find that. Sent a support email to Campaign Monitor.

GarthDB commented 8 years ago

What's the url of the page you took the screenshot - I can build it from that.

jenlgray commented 8 years ago
  1. There, you'll be provided with the HTML to add a simple sign up form to your website's HTML. However, if you already have your own custom coded sign up form, then you'll just want to grab the list's information to enter into your own form's HTML.

Specifically, you'll want to grab the list's URL, which would look something like:

Then, you'd want to grab the email parameter as well. It'd look something like:

This is the code I got from Campaign Monitor:

jahoni commented 8 years ago

Use what is on the current site