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Tools & benefits section of homepage: update content, add hyperlinks #71

Closed jahoni closed 8 years ago

jahoni commented 8 years ago



need to take out PhoneGap Enterprise, and add correct hyperlinks.

alharding commented 8 years ago

@jahoni How should it look with 5 for wrapping?

Looks ok on smaller screens when it is a row of 2, 2, 1: screen shot 2016-01-21 at 2 58 58 pm

But wider desktop screen: screen shot 2016-01-21 at 2 59 11 pm

jahoni commented 8 years ago

we're not using 5. we're using 6.

alharding commented 8 years ago

k, is something replacing the PGE item that gets taken out then?

jahoni commented 8 years ago

dude, you need to chill. i'm working on the mock-up with new copy, and icons. when it is ready for implementation, i'll post those here and reassign the issue.

alharding commented 8 years ago

No worries, I didn't know a new mock-up was on the way.

jahoni commented 8 years ago

Mock-up snippet:


Run down of changes:

In the event that "Third Party Tools" is not going live for initial launch, remove the entire second row (Plugin Library, Third Party Tools, and Developer Community) until that is available.

jahoni commented 8 years ago

Links should be as follows:

PhoneGap Desktop: (no URL yet), but to "PhoneGap Desktop" anchor link on product page. PhoneGap Developer: (no URL yet), but to "PhoneGap Developer" anchor link on product page. PhoneGap Build:

Plugin Library: Third Party Tools: (no URL yet), but to Third Party tools page when it gets created Developer Community: