Closed ajmnz closed 4 months ago
I love this idea. Probably no big deal because comments are stripped during bundling, but what is the impact on the overall size of the source code?
If you're up for making the change, be sure to do it in the assembly script rather than doing a one-time codemod in the typedefs:
Question though, can more than one preview be included? Will probably want to show all 6 weights, as they are all grouped together at the component level.
Yes, multiple previews seem to be supported:
I guess we should also add them with a background in order to support both light and dark themes. Black on white would work, although kind of ugly. Whatever you prefer.
As per the size, probably a few MB. At most 1kb per icon, times 6 previews, times the total number of icons. The following snippet is 934 bytes
* @preview ![img]()
^ I'll detail the total size increase in the PR.
tag can contain a base64 encoded SVG and would allow previewing icons when importing or hovering the components.Happy to open a PR for it.