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The PhosphorJS Library
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Datagrid Feature Requests #285

Open sccolbert opened 7 years ago

sccolbert commented 7 years ago

This issue will be used to track and prioritize feature requests for @phosphor/datagrid.

To request a feature, please make a comment starting with the phrase Feature Request: followed by a description of the feature. Please read through the lists below before making a new request so that we can avoid duplicates.

Please up-vote feature-request comments to help prioritize the implementation of features.

Live Example:

Current Feature Set (updated as new features are implemented):

Feature Requests (updated as new features are requested):

Useful Examples to Build

sccolbert commented 7 years ago

Feature Request: Cell Editors

This will be a class which is used to open an editor when the user wishes to "edit" the data in a cell (via double click, or enter, or some other action). An editor may choose to use an input element, or any other DOM control to handle editing. When the editor is "closed" the data grid will take the edited value and invoke a method on the data model to update the cell value. The data model should then emit the changed signal for that cell in order to draw the new cell value.

sccolbert commented 7 years ago

Feature Request: Cell Spans

This will add support for row/column spans of both body and header cells. This feature is required to implement grouped column headers as needed by a pivot table.

sccolbert commented 7 years ago

Feature Request: Event Model

This should involve exposing a reasonable semantic event model to the user for custom handling of mouse and keyboard events, to the extent they are not handled in a more semantic fashion (ala the selection model), or are impossible to implement using a command registry/keymap.

For example, do we attempt to natively support Ctrl+C and copy the selection to the clipboard, or do we let the user install their own keyboard handler via keymap, and use the selection model to copy to clipboard.

Implemented in #421

sccolbert commented 7 years ago

Feature Request: Selection Model

This will add support for object which maintains the selected regions(s) (rows/columns/cells) in the grid, along with the cell(s) which should be considered the cursor. The regions may be disjoint. The datagrid will handle all mouse events and translate them into method calls on the selection model. The selection model will emit a changed signal to indicate selection changes.

We may or may not want to automatically handle keyboard-based selection modification. It depends on whether we handle other key events automatically, or tell users to use a command palette or keymap.

Implemented in #421

sccolbert commented 7 years ago

Feature Request: Interactive Row/Column Moving

Just like interactive row/column resizing, this would allow the user to use the mouse to move rows/columns around in the grid. I'm not yet sure of the best UX for this: whether it should be a move indicator drawn on another layer, a "snapshot" of the section(s) being moved, or actually the "live" section(s). The move indicator is the easiest/simplest option.

sccolbert commented 7 years ago

Feature Request: Cell Borders

The data grid currently implements horizontal and vertical gridlines, but not individual cell or cell-range borders. This needs to be done as a separate layer since:

There are also some questions which need to be addressed:

sccolbert commented 7 years ago

Feature Request: Spark Renderers

This will implement a simple spark renderer which supports per-cell sparkline and sparkbar charts for small arrays. It's is notably not a full-blown chart.

sccolbert commented 7 years ago

Feature Request: Button Renderer

A cell renderer which draws a simple push button control.

sccolbert commented 7 years ago

Feature Request: Checkbox Renderer

A cell renderer which draws a simple check box control.

sccolbert commented 7 years ago

Feature Request: Dropdown Renderer

A cell renderer/editor which allows the user to select from a list of choices.

sccolbert commented 7 years ago

Feature Request: Gridview Renderer

A cell renderer/editor which, when clicked, opens a popup with a detailed datagrid view of the cell contents. This is useful when a single cell represents a large amount of data, and summarized with a token value in the main grid, but can be expanded to show more data, such as in a pivot table.

sccolbert commented 7 years ago

Feature Request: Pivoting Data Model

An implementation of a data model which supports pivoting over in-memory data. This could be expanded to support server-side/streaming data, if a suitable standard emerges in the community.

sccolbert commented 7 years ago

Feature Request: Pivot Cell Renderer

This is a cell renderer which draws the expand/collapse icon(s) for a row in a pivot table. When clicked, the row will expand or collapse to show the pivoted data.

sccolbert commented 7 years ago

Feature Request: Hi-DPI Support

Text, and to a lesser extend gridlines, currently appear "fuzzy" on Hi-DPI displays. Enabling support for Hi-DPI requires some work on the backend to scale the buffers and gc by the DPI ratio, and then downsample the canvas with CSS. On a Mac, this means drawing twice the number of pixels. Depending on the performance impact, we may or may not want to make it a flag.

Implemented in #288

sccolbert commented 7 years ago

Feature Request: CSV Data Model

We already have a JSONModel which may suit a lot of cases, and will grow more functionality as the datagrid grows features. However, there may be some CSV files which are not modeled well by that class. We may want an out-of-the-box model for CSV files, which will probably need to do it's own CSV parsing.

sccolbert commented 7 years ago

Feature Request: Async Data Helpers

The data model base class already defines a changed signal which is to be emitted (in one of its various forms) when the data model has changed (rows inserted/removed, cells changed, etc). So, it's already possible to implement a data model which communicated asynchronously with a server, and emits a signal when new data is available. However, we can do some things to make is easier for a data model author.

For example, we can define a method on the data model, such as fetchRange() which is given the cell range which is currently visible by the grid, before the grid renders it. At that point we have one of two options:

Each of these approaches has tradeoffs, particularly when scrolling through a large dataset where a requested range is really a transient thing. This may cause us to need a cancelFetch() method so that the data model can discard an async request which is no longer needed. If we take this approach, it will also require a unique id for each grid, since a model may have multiple grids viewing it simultaneously.

Finally, we probably want an out-of-the-box data model implementation which uses a websocket and reasonably protocol to view server-side resources like data frames.

sccolbert commented 7 years ago

Feature Request: Hover-Based Styling

This would add support for styling based on whether a row/column/cell is hovered by the user. This is potentially expensive, and requires repainting a row/column/cell on each mouse move event. If implemented, it should be an explicit flag to turn on the feature.

dhirschfeld commented 7 years ago

Feature Request: Column Filters

It would be fantastic to be able to filter the data interactively by applying one or more filters to each column.

Even if the answer is that the filtering should be done externally, the data source updated and the grid re-rendered there would still need to be some UI with events to allow for this.

sccolbert commented 7 years ago

Feature Request: Sorting

This is similar to filtering. Click on a column header to trigger a sort in the data model. Likely implemented as a part of the event model with a custom header cell renderer. Notably, the grid will not perform the sort, it will tell the data model to sort itself.

sccolbert commented 7 years ago

@dhirschfeld The actual filtering of the data will indeed be done by the data model implementation, but I'm leaving your comment as-is, because we still need some out-of-the-box cell renderers/editors which can be used to implement the UI part of the filter and which call back into the data model.

The data model abstract base class already defines the signal which the model implementation should emit when it filters itself.

deepankarsharma commented 7 years ago

Feature Request: Export displayed view

  1. Export to Excel / CSV
  2. Export to PDF
  3. Export to HTML
sccolbert commented 7 years ago

Feature Request: Animated Cells

Support animated cell renderers which can animate for a specified duration. This is useful for flashing cell background colors to draw attention to a cell, transitioning spark lines, or for other super-fancy things that people dream up.

sccolbert commented 7 years ago

Feature Request: Auto-size Rows/Columns

Double clicking on a row/column border (in the header) should auto-size the row/column to best fit the currently visible contents.

sccolbert commented 7 years ago

Feature Request: Disable Row/Column Resizing

Currently, the user is always able to interactively resize rows and columns, provided the respective header is visible. We may want to allow the option of disabling interactive resizing.

dhirschfeld commented 7 years ago

~Feature Request: Totals/Aggregates~

~I assume this is also part of the data model? i.e. you can already hijack a row/column header level to display count/sum/mean/std which is calculated externally to the grid implementation~

Already implemented by the data model

sccolbert commented 7 years ago

@dhirschfeld Yep. That is already implementable by a data model. I'll add it as a useful example to make.

deepankarsharma commented 7 years ago

Feature Request: Save / restore column sizes

Save / restore of column sizes taking the following into account

a. Any notion of default column size b. User modified column sizes c. Possibly things like active zoom level / dpi / font

ijstokes commented 7 years ago

I upvoted "Selection Model". Does that feature include the basic concept of row, column, or region selection and then CTRL-C copy to get a CSV or similar representation of the data into the clipboard?

sccolbert commented 7 years ago

@ijstokes Yep.

RobertoMalatesta commented 7 years ago

For the sake of feature discussions, here's a page listing some of the most relevant datagrid components today available (with demos to try them out):


akosyakov commented 7 years ago

Why don't use something like ag-grid? It is written with TypeScript, cover most of the features above and able to handle infinite data, has nicely designed and documented API, distributed under MIT license.

sccolbert commented 7 years ago

@akosyakov Because it's slow. It also doesn't support variable sized rows/columns when using a virtual data model. And a bunch of other reasons I don't feel like typing out.

sccolbert commented 7 years ago

@akosyakov Also, that sort of question is not really appropriate for this issue. This issue is to track feature requests, not to question core technical decisions.

scottdraves commented 7 years ago

Feature Request: pin columns to left

pinned columns are always visible, the horizontal scrollbar does not apply them.

sccolbert commented 7 years ago

Feature Request: Gradient Cell Backgrounds

Update the built-in cell renderers to support gradients for the cell background.

sccolbert commented 7 years ago

Feature Request: Image Cell Backgrounds

Update the built-in cell renderers to support images for the cell background.

scottdraves commented 7 years ago

Feature Request: callback API

so I can have a fn called when cells are clicked, and also add a context menu to the cells in the grid (with callback per item).

sccolbert commented 7 years ago

@scottdraves That falls under the Event Model

jjrv commented 7 years ago

Feature Request: Tree columns

Rows can have parent / child relationships for hierarchical data or grouping. Cells in a specific column indicate those relationships. Parent rows allow showing / hiding all their children.

Bonus points if promises are used so that expanding a parent can trigger a fetch or calculation, and the child rows are shown when ready. Meanwhile a busy indicator (in the parent row) would be nice.

bfelds commented 7 years ago

Feature Request: Scroll to Row

Ability to specify a row/column to scroll to.

bfelds commented 7 years ago

Feature Request: Ctrl+C Copy/Paste preserves relative spacing for excel

e.g. I'd like for a 2x2 grid: |1 | 2| |3 | 4| to show up in excel as a 2x2 grid if i select and copy that from the ui. Note this is different than the other feature request for exporting to excel.

bfelds commented 7 years ago

Feature Request: Keyboard Navigation Arrow Keys, Tab and Shift+Tab should follow logical order of Top->Down, Left->Right. Cells should have the option to take focus on navigation, i.e. we want entry cells to get focus, but not clickable text. Because of viewport virtualization, this isn't free if i'm not wrong

ellisonbg commented 7 years ago

Feature Request: Add ability for last column to fill width of datagrid view

Often a datagrid will occupy a certain about of size, but the columns won't fill the width. It would be nice to have the ability for the datagrid to expand the last column to fill the rest of the space.

bfelds commented 7 years ago

@ellisonbg, can we expand that to just "dynamic column sizing" in general. similar to flexbox. just set a growth factor on the last column if you want that effect. but overall if you wanted a different column to take up the space you could set a growth factor on that one.

akansal1 commented 7 years ago

Feature Request: Add ability to have nested rows and columns, to support Multi indexing for dataframe type of applications.

dhirschfeld commented 7 years ago

Arrow backend for the DataGrid.

Arrow has bindings for many languages including TypeScript and Python and should enable much more performant transfer of data to the grid

Also useful?

nimo23 commented 6 years ago

Feature Request: flexible "Multi-fixed"-columns and flexible "Multi-fixed"-rows

For example, a table with 10 columns. I want to fix "col 1" and "col 4". When scrolling to left, then "col 1" is fixed, scrolling after "col 4", fixes the "col 4" with "col 1" at the left side:

  1. visible: col1|col2|col3|col4|..|col10
  2. user scrolls to right to "col 3"
  3. visible: col1|col3|col4|..|col10
  4. user scrolls to right to "col 8"
  5. visible: col1|col4|..|col8|col9|col10

The same with rows:

For example, a table with 100 rows. I want to fix "row 1" and "row 30". When scrolling to bottom, then "row 1" is fixed, scrolling after "row 30", fixes the "row 30" in pair with "row 1" at the top:

  1. visible: row1 row2 row3 row4 .. row10

  2. user scrolls to "row 30" row1 row30 .. row100

timkpaine commented 6 years ago

@sccolbert @scottdraves the data grid examples here and here are really slow on safari compared to chrome.

sccolbert commented 6 years ago

@timkpaine Which version of Safari? I mostly develop on Windows. Safari may just have a really slow canvas.

timkpaine commented 6 years ago

@sccolbert i'm comparing Safari Version 11.1 (13605. to Chrome Version 65.0.3325.181

Live charts look fine, its just scroll interactions