photo / frontend

The official @github repository of the Trovebox frontend software. A photo sharing and photo management web interface for data stored "in the cloud" (i.e. Amazon S3, Rackspace CloudFiles, Google Storage).
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Album management is counter intuitive. #1281

Open hfiguiere opened 11 years ago

hfiguiere commented 11 years ago

When we view the albums we should be able to manage them.

There is [create album] in the album list.

But we can't add picture in the album content.

If the album is empty I'm only offered to upload. Not to add existing pictures.

sushimustwrite commented 11 years ago

To add to album management difficulties, if I change my mind about an album's privacy, there doesn't appear to be a way to change the privacy. Didn't even think about this until someone else pointed it out.

jmathai commented 11 years ago

Just to explain how it works (not saying it's intuitive).

Albums don't have explicit permissions. An album is a collection of photos which can be public or private. When you view an album you get to see whatever photos you have access to in that album.

Except when you share an album with a sharing token. That essentially makes all the photos in an album public when viewing in the context of the album.

I think there are 3 scenarios.

  1. Users want to keep all of their photos private but share albums. The current approach enables this without requiring visitors to sign in.
  2. Users want all of their photos public. The sharing token doesn't really do anything and albums work as expected.
  3. Users want to keep some photos public and others private. The default viewing honors this but gives an option for users to share the entire album (public and private) if they want.

Input/feedback welcome.

hfiguiere commented 11 years ago

My problem is simply putting photos into album, etc. Everything is public here.

jmathai commented 11 years ago

So based on the original comment. I agree. It's something I started thinking about.

Removing photos while looking at an album is easy. Did you have an idea on how to add new photos while viewing an existing album (since you won't be looking at photos not in the album)?

sushimustwrite commented 11 years ago

@jmathai I just seem to remember at some points in the past albums were private/public. Time to edit a lot of things.

hfiguiere commented 11 years ago

It involve building a "photo selector" widget. It is something like that on Flickr.

screenshot from 2013-05-26 12 20 10

Not necessarily identical, but that gives you an idea.

jmathai commented 11 years ago

@sushimustwrite The first iteration of permissions on albums wasn't great. It's really the same as it now but before you could opt to not have an album "listed" in the album list.

@hfiguiere Yup. Could be useful for other things too like cover selection and profile photo selection.

hfiguiere commented 11 years ago

Also, from the photo details page we should have an "add to album" if you are the owner of it, and logged in. That's probably simpler to implement.

hfiguiere commented 11 years ago

@jmathai this widget would have plenty of uses.

sneakypete81 commented 11 years ago

A closely related problem I had recently: how to tell which albums contain a given photo?

The photo's tags are shown in the sidebar, but not its albums.

I couldn't work out how to do this over the API either, apart from iterating through every album to check if the photo is present.

mixedbredie commented 11 years ago

I mentioned this same issue in the google group and Sujin pointed me at this thread. There are two places to create albums (1. on photo upload and 2. on the albums page) and the problem that I am having is, having created a new album and set the permissions to public and uploaded some photos, I can only see the new albums when I am logged in and not when browsing the page as "guest". I initially thought this was due to me not setting the permissions correctly but albums don't have permissions, photos do.

As "guest" at I can see I have 46 photos, 1 album and 6 tags but when I am logged in as "user" I have 46 photos, 2 albums and 0 tags. [There are, in fact, 12 different tags but maybe that should be logged as another issue.]

The option to add photos to an album when logged in and viewing it would be nice @hfiguiere

If I create an album and load some private photos it should not appear to "guest" users. An album with public photos should appear to a "guest" user. I don't understand @jmathai option 1 in his scenario: if all the photos are private would the album still display?

Just like the photo batch editing on the Gallery tab there should possibly be editing options on the Album tab for working with Albums (you can create an album but nothing else) and on the Tags tab there should be Tag management options where there is currently nothing.

jmathai commented 11 years ago

I'm looking into some of the count issues. Some of which are being tracked in #1295.

@mixedbredie My option 1 is that you can share an album of private photos with a sharing token, here's an example of an album with private photos that can be shared with a token.