photo / frontend

The official @github repository of the Trovebox frontend software. A photo sharing and photo management web interface for data stored "in the cloud" (i.e. Amazon S3, Rackspace CloudFiles, Google Storage).
Apache License 2.0
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Photo Management: Batch Photo Edit #156

Closed jmathai closed 12 years ago

jmathai commented 12 years ago

There should be a way to update groups of photos with the following:

  1. Privacy
  2. Add/remove tags
  3. Share
  4. Copyright
  5. Location (lat/lon)
  6. Date taken
jjamesclt commented 12 years ago

It would be exceptionally useful to write chosen settings such as above to a logical tag selection. Such as all photos that meet tag "wedding AND family" as well as "offroading OR boating".

jmathai commented 12 years ago

How about the option to "pin" a photo from the photos page? It could include an "pin all" that pins them all.

Then you do batch operations on the photos which are pinned.

I suggest this because it leverages the existing tag search and lets you be a bit more granular about the operations.

jjamesclt commented 12 years ago

Would a pin then act like a temporary "tag"? You could perform operations on those images but it would be more of a boolean instead of having multiple values?

jmathai commented 12 years ago

I guess you can look at it as having a temporary tag. It would just allow you to perform batch operations on ALL photos that are pinned.

jjamesclt commented 12 years ago

I use that a lot with Google's Picasa, with the star. Sounds exactly the same and very useful.

jmathai commented 12 years ago

@erudianart / @mikegrace I was thinking that we could have a client side "bucket" of photo ids with an interface or apis to add/remove individual items.

Then we could have batch APIs that an add a tag to a batch of photos and get this done with a single ajax and backend call.

Do you guys think a JS/LocalStorage solution for this would be doable?

glogiotatidis commented 12 years ago

Hi, I would be great if we could also massively assign groups, in addition to "public/private" option!


jmathai commented 12 years ago

@glogiotatidis This is coming. It's trivial to add additional options we just rolled out with the most basic. It will include everything from groups to geo-location options for batch edits.