I use permalink: false for draft pages, so that I don't build anything for production unnecessarily. When trying to use this plugin alongside that, however, those posts will create this error:
[11ty] Problem writing Eleventy templates: (more in DEBUG output)
[11ty] 1. Having trouble writing to "false" from "./in/content/aaaaaaaa/testing/index.md" (via EleventyTemplateError)
[11ty] 2. Transform `identifyGlyphs` encountered an error when transforming ./in/content/aaaaaaaa/testing/index.md. (via EleventyTransformError)
[11ty] 3. outputPath.endsWith is not a function (via TypeError)
Going through some old issue posts on 11ty leads me to assume that it's just a matter of the plugin not checking for whether or not the post being scraped for glyphs has a permalink to output to. Looking for the output in debug mode seems to confirm this, as it looks to be trying to find a filename that does not exist as a result:
Eleventy:EleventyErrorHandler (error stack): TypeError: outputPath.endsWith is not a function
at Object.<anonymous> (/[...]/node_modules/@photogabble+eleventy-plugin-font-subsetting@1.0.0/node_modules/@photogabble/eleventy-plugin-font-subsetting/index.js:62:20)
// what's at eleventy-plugin-font-subsetting/index.js:62:20
eleventyConfig.addTransform('identifyGlyphs', (content, outputPath) => {
if (outputPath.endsWith('.html')) glyphs.add(content);
return content;
I use
permalink: false
for draft pages, so that I don't build anything for production unnecessarily. When trying to use this plugin alongside that, however, those posts will create this error:Going through some old issue posts on 11ty leads me to assume that it's just a matter of the plugin not checking for whether or not the post being scraped for glyphs has a permalink to output to. Looking for the output in debug mode seems to confirm this, as it looks to be trying to find a filename that does not exist as a result: