photoneo / phoxi_camera

ROS Package for PhoXi Scanner/Camera. If you like us, STAR US! :P
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Can't show data in rviz #39

Open fellen88 opened 4 years ago

fellen88 commented 4 years ago

I use roslaunch phoxi_camera phoxi_camera.launch to start the phoxi_camera node, and it connected to phoxi_control successfully. But i can't see depth image or pointcloud in rviz. I don't know if it is the configue issue of rviz or the data hasn't been sent ?

Phoxi Scanner firmware: 1.2.6 Phoxi Control software: 1.2.6 phoxi_camera(ROS): devel

neerjag1 commented 4 years ago


I am also facing the same issue. When I use roslaunch phoxi_camera phoxi_camera.launch to start the phoxi_camera node, it sucessfully connected to potoxi control but I cant see the pointcloud in rviz. Any suggestions? Thank you

JakubHazik commented 3 years ago

I think that problem is in your frame id specification. By default published pointcloud frame id is 'PhoXi3Dscanner_sensor' So if you specify Fixed Frame to PhoXi3Dscanner_sensor in rviz left panel, you should be able to see a pointcloud.

Another option is specify transformation (for example via URDF) between PhoXi3Dscanner_sensor and your custom Fixed Frame.

And next option is set parameter frame_id to something other, for example base_link or map or something other which you are using as Fixed Frame in rviz.