I get '[ExclusiveCommandExtension] This is a exclusive command queue and client's properties are not set. Setting them'log for every input message is my service, why?
Where setting this property?! My properties array empty.
I use symfony bundle.
For start processor using console command: php bin/console enqueue:consume --setup-broker
my Processor:
class OrderStatusUpdateProcessor implements Processor, CommandSubscriberInterface, QueueSubscriberInterface
public const QUEUE_NAME = 'global.order.status.update';
public static function getSubscribedQueues(): array
return [self::QUEUE_NAME];
public static function getSubscribedCommand(): array
return [
'command' => self::QUEUE_NAME,
'queue' => self::QUEUE_NAME,
'prefix_queue' => false,
'exclusive' => true,
public function process(Message $message, Context $context): string
any code
return self::ACK;
I get
'[ExclusiveCommandExtension] This is a exclusive command queue and client's properties are not set. Setting them'
log for every input message is my service, why? Where setting this property?! My properties array empty.I use symfony bundle.
For start processor using console command: php bin/console enqueue:consume --setup-broker
my Processor:
my enqueue.yaml: