php-enqueue / enqueue-dev

Message Queue, Job Queue, Broadcasting, WebSockets packages for PHP, Symfony, Laravel, Magento. DEVELOPMENT REPOSITORY - provided by Forma-Pro
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Exchange messages between applications #448

Closed hpatoio closed 6 years ago

hpatoio commented 6 years ago

I've 2 symfony applications and I need to consume in ApplicationB messages generated by ApplicationA

In ApplicationA I've

$message = new Message([
   'producer' => 'application_a',
   'produced_at' => (new \DateTime())->format('c'),

$myProducer->sendEvent('from_a_to_b', $message);

In ApplicationB I've

class IncomingEmailProcessor implements PsrProcessor, TopicSubscriberInterface

    public static function getSubscribedTopics()
        return [
            self::class => [
                'queueName' => 'from_a_to_b',
                'queueNameHardcoded' => true

    public function process(PsrMessage $message, PsrContext $session)
      // Do something

But I don't receive any message on ApplicationB where do I go wrong ?

This seems related to #296 and #196

makasim commented 6 years ago

Could you show please post enqueue configs for both apps

makasim commented 6 years ago

What broker do you use?

hpatoio commented 6 years ago

In ApplicationA I've this command that I call using foo as queue name

class SendTestMessageCommand extends ContainerAwareCommand
    protected function configure()
            ->setDescription('Send a test message')
            ->addOption('queue', null, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'Queue's name');

    protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
        if (!$input->getOption('queue')) {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Please specify the 'queue'");

        $queueName = $input->getOption('queue');

        $message = new Message([
            'producer' => 'test-command-applicationA',
            'body' => 'Hello from application A,
            'produced_at' => (new \DateTime())->format('c'),

        $this->getContainer()->get('enqueue.producer')->sendEvent($queueName, $message);


and this conf

            alias: 'sqs'
            key: '%env(SQS_KEY)%'
            secret: '%env(SQS_SECRET)%'
            region: '%env(SQS_REGION)%'
        prefix: 'dev'
        app_name: applicationa

And in `ApplicationB

            alias: 'sqs'
            key: '%env(SQS_KEY)%'
            secret: '%env(SQS_SECRET)%'
            region: '%env(SQS_REGION)%'
        prefix: 'dev'
        app_name: applicationa

and the consumer

      class: 'App\Consumer\FooConsumer'
      public: true
        - { name: 'enqueue.client.processor', queueName: 'foo', processorName: 'foo', topicName: 'foo' }
    public function process(PsrMessage $message, PsrContext $context)
         $message = JSON::decode($message->getBody());
         return self::ACK;

I'm using SQS and I've a queue named dev_dot_applicationa_dot_foo configured. What I don't understand is: can I specify the exact name of the queue I wanna send the command to and the exact name of the queue for the consumer ?

In application B, as you can see, I had to specifiy applicationa as application name because Enqueue build the name of the queue using the application name. But what if in my application B I want a consumer that also read messages for a queue configured for applicationC ?

kermorgant commented 6 years ago

Hi @hpatoio Did you figure out a solution ?

It seems to me you have mixed topic and queue name when you wrote

   $this->getContainer()->get('enqueue.producer')->sendEvent($queueName, $message);

By using sendEvent, message is sent to topic.

I'm working on the same use case with two apps, with a specific queue for communication from A to B. I ended up using "transport" instead of the "client" in order to specify the queue when creating the message.

I whished to be able to specify a topic in order to use the "client" in application B (does that makes sense after all ?) but just ended up using transport for consuming messages from that specific queue instead.

hpatoio commented 6 years ago

I did not find a solution. I've also opened this #459 where the author tells me to use "transport" directly (that it seems that is what you did)

I ended up using "transport" instead of the "client" in order to specify the queue when creating the message

Can I see the code somewhere ?

kermorgant commented 6 years ago

In application A, I've organized message publishing in two separate steps:

  1. send a message from the client to a "topic". I've done like this because I prefered baseing the name of the topic on the event itself. Then, I can attach several processors to this topic.

it looks like this

final class UserRegistrationPublisher implements UserRegistrationPublisher
    private $producer;
    private $serializer;

    public function __construct(
        SerializerInterface $serializer,
        ProducerInterface $producer
    ) {
        $this->serializer = $serializer;
        $this->producer   = $producer;

     * This is the context agnostic message publication.
     * MQ processing starts from here.
    public function publishUser($user)
        $message = $this->serializer->serialize($user, 'json');

            'a_user_registration', //topic
  1. have a dedicated processor to prepare message for application B
final class UserRegistrationApplicationBForwarder implements PsrProcessor, TopicSubscriberInterface
    public static function getSubscribedTopics()
        return ['a_user_registration'];

     * forward to a specific queue
    public function process(PsrMessage $message, PsrContext $context)
            $context->createQueue('a_to_b'), //queue

        return self::ACK;

On application B, I have a dedicated processor I call from the enqueue:transport:consume command

amne commented 6 years ago


class IncomingEmailProcessor implements PsrProcessor, TopicSubscriberInterface

    public static function getSubscribedTopics()
        return [
            'from_a_to_b' => [
                'queueName' => 'does_not_matter',
                'queueNameHardcoded' => true
          'another_topic_here' => [
               'queueName' => 'can_be_differrent',
                'queueNameHardcoded' => true

    public function process(PsrMessage $message, PsrContext $session)
      // Do something

What enqueue will do in this case is build a mapping from topic to [processor,queueName] and keep it in its RouterProcessor. Whenever a message is received on a topic, the router will publish messages back to the broker for each queue subscribed to that topic. In the modified example above IncomingEmailProcessor will receive messages on queues "does_not_matter" and "can_be_different" from the Router when messages are received on topics "from_a_to_b" and "another_topic_here".

Actually if you make another processor

class AnotherProcessor implements PsrProcessor, TopicSubscriberInterface
public static function getSubscribedTopics()
        return ['from_a_to_b' => ['queueName' => 'another_queue_name', 'queueNameHardcoded' => true]];

public function process(PsrMessage $message, PsrContext $context) { ... }

it will also receive any message published on the "from_a_to_b" topic because enqueue's router will publish itself messages to all processor queues for which the processors have advertised themselves as subscribed to "from_a_to_b" topic.

kermorgant commented 6 years ago

Thank you very much for your examples @amne :+1: This "routing" operated by enqueue was confusing me and now it starts to be a bit clearer...

If I read your example in a context of 2 different apps A & B, I understand you would send a message to a 'from_a_to_b' topic from A, and in B, you would create your IncomingEmailProcessor and AnotherProcessor. Is that correct ?

amne commented 6 years ago

@kermorgant yes, that is correct.

kermorgant commented 6 years ago

Thanks @amne. Sorry, it was a dumb question, I had lost the op's context...

I'm still a bit confused by several things about this scenario :

1) 'from_a_to_b' topic name is quite generic, and we could expect that different types of message start to share it after some time. And when that happens, IncomingMailProcessor can't just continue to work as used to. Not sure how to best deal with that case.

2) my preference would be to start with a topic name that only reflects what just happened inside A (just as if we ignored the existence of B). But from my experience with enqueue, message would be removed from enqueue when all "TopicSubscribers" of A would have processed the message. How could we thus reliably expect B to also process the message ?

3) To avoid those 2 issues, I've therefore opted to isolate the message in a 'a_to_b' queue (see my comment from June 25). Yes, 'a_to_b' is still vague, should have named it like 'a_to_b_incoming_mail'.

I'm probably still missing some pieces to get the "big picture". I've only tested it with dbal so far, which perhaps gives me a particuliar bias too.

makasim commented 6 years ago

SQS transport does not support message\enterprise bus, It could if is done.

Also note that two applications should have different app_name set.