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HTTPlug website
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one-page-site? #2

Open dbu opened 8 years ago

dbu commented 8 years ago

to avoid duplication, i would suggest we limit the website as much as we can. it should explain what this is about and motivate people to dig into HTTPlug, then point them to the right resources. things i would see:

sagikazarmark commented 8 years ago

Hm. One page site would make sense, but content you listed is already more than content for a single page.

At least "link to...." sections are something that can get long for a single page.

Some juicy citations are also something that should probably not go on the main page as it can eventually become a long list (I hope :stuck_out_tongue: )

I agree with the rest.

dbu commented 8 years ago

adding a few sentences for the home page in #3

i think step is to layout the mission statement in a nice way and have a prominent, large button linking to the documentation. and some visual thing, as soon as we have a logo.

then the other single page things could go below the fold. link to could be link to the according packagist searches. and we might highlight some specific notable things if we want. general news should be covered by showing the latest tweets, to keep content maintenance effort low.

sagikazarmark commented 8 years ago

Some github/twitter badges. (Maybe twitter badge is enough, no need for latest tweets: it might be hard to colorize twitter box, etc)