Open tuyenlaptrinh opened 5 years ago
I think the problem is the use of user id instead of user name. OVH provide the user name, not the id. So you have to replace 'id' by 'name'.
When you provide name instead of id you have to provide the domain too, which is "Default'.
Finally, auth url for OVH is
So you should come with something like :
$openstack = new OpenStack\OpenStack([
'authUrl' => '',
'region' => 'SGP1',
'user' => [
'name' => 'xxxxxxxx',
'password' => 'xxxxxxxx',
'domain' => [
'name' => 'Default'
'scope' => ['project' => ['id' => 'xxxxxxxxx']]
@Kearsan auth URL v3 is same. When I change id by name It is required ID error message
It's strange. I use OVH Object Storage too and this is the exact configuration I use and it works perfectly. Btw Openstack allows you to auth with id or name, so it shouldn't ask you for id if you set a name. And as I said OVH provides the name only (Horizon's name and password).
Hi @tuyenlaptrinh and @Kearsan
This could due to the fact that OVH use a wildcard *
for their region see #288
Can you pull master branch and try it out.
Hi @haphan
I'm not using any wildcard for OVH and it works perfectly well. Actually OVH do use regions, we even get an email recently from OVH annoucing a recent change to regions in order to connect to Openstack (They are merging regions, so in our case we had to change GRA1 to GRA. Indeed both will still work during several months to prevent issues for live projects).
I've had similar problems, all kind of error messages using OVH object storage with Keystone v3. The actual config that helped follows:
$client = new OpenStack\OpenStack([
'authUrl' => '',
'region' => 'GRA', //the new region names
'user' => [
'domain' => ['id' => 'default'],
'name' => $username,
// 'id' => $username,
'password' => $password
'scope' => ['project' => [
'name' => $tenant,
'domain' => ['id' => 'default']]]
$tenant is the deprecated v2 name for "project name".
Ovh doc may help you and me too, I search but I will find a way to go!
One of here sample is :
"user" : {
"domain" : {
"name" : "Default",
"id" : "default"
"name" : "ktZeF8Uqluqm",
"id" : "200ba261af11471db447526575dcb9fb"
"audit_ids" : [
"project" : {
"id" : "e80c212388cd4d509abc959643993b9f",
"domain" : {
"name" : "Default",
"id" : "default"
"name" : "3635872342124167"
Hello Everyone. I am new in Openstack and I am using OVH Object Storage. I got this error when I try connect to OVH
I tried another auth URL like or I got the error too
This is my code
Please help me solve this problem.