I'm trying to see if I can use cli-menu to build a simple table/grid with rows and columns, similar to a spreadsheet.
I realize this was not the intent of cli-menu, but I can get pretty close with SplitItem's. I feel this could be an interesting use of cli-menu.
With the below script, the only usability item I noticed is if I go to cell B2 and press up, it brings me to cell A1, rather than B1 as I was hoping.
Is there a way an option could be set so that when you move up or down, cli-menu can set the index of the selected item to be the index of the item you had last selected?
Thanks for your help.
use PhpSchool\CliMenu\Builder\CliMenuBuilder;
use PhpSchool\CliMenu\Builder\SplitItemBuilder;
use PhpSchool\CliMenu\CliMenu;
$itemCallable = function (CliMenu $menu) {
echo $menu->getSelectedItem()->getText();
$menu = (new CliMenuBuilder)
->addStaticItem('Below is a SplitItem')
->addSplitItem(function (SplitItemBuilder $b) use ($itemCallable) {
->addItem('A1', $itemCallable)
->addItem('B1', $itemCallable)
->addItem('C1', $itemCallable);
->addSplitItem(function (SplitItemBuilder $b) use ($itemCallable) {
->addItem('A2', $itemCallable)
->addItem('B2', $itemCallable)
->addItem('C2', $itemCallable);
->addSplitItem(function (SplitItemBuilder $b) use ($itemCallable) {
->addItem('A3', $itemCallable)
->addItem('B3', $itemCallable)
->addItem('C3', $itemCallable);
->addSplitItem(function (SplitItemBuilder $b) use ($itemCallable) {
->addItem('A4', $itemCallable)
->addItem('B4', $itemCallable)
->addItem('C4', $itemCallable);
I'm trying to see if I can use cli-menu to build a simple table/grid with rows and columns, similar to a spreadsheet.
I realize this was not the intent of cli-menu, but I can get pretty close with SplitItem's. I feel this could be an interesting use of cli-menu.
With the below script, the only usability item I noticed is if I go to cell B2 and press up, it brings me to cell A1, rather than B1 as I was hoping.
Is there a way an option could be set so that when you move up or down, cli-menu can set the index of the selected item to be the index of the item you had last selected?
Thanks for your help.