php-telegram-bot / core

PHP Telegram Bot based on the official Telegram Bot API
MIT License
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SQL orm (sql-based databases support) #744

Open ilyaplot opened 6 years ago

ilyaplot commented 6 years ago

Maybe use any ORM? I want use PostgreSQL database, but DB.php inludes only MySQL syntax. I Want write it feature. What do you think about it?

noplanman commented 6 years ago

This has been a topic for quite a while now but no proper moves have been made yet unfortunately.

What is your suggestion to implement this in a clean and simple way?

(Linking to existing issues of the same nature: #170, #232)

ilyaplot commented 6 years ago

I want use Doctrine ORM. This will create a database using migrations. I have already written a solution, but it is not yet ready for release.

akalongman commented 6 years ago

@ilyaplot could you share your solution with us? Feel free to send PR or just discuss your solution