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CI pipeline to build the PHAR #7

Open asgrim opened 4 months ago

asgrim commented 4 months ago

Design documentation:

Implement a CI pipeline that builds an artifact pie.phar which can be installed by consumers. The built PHAR artifact should be automatically attached to releases, when they are made.

asgrim commented 46 minutes ago

Example release pipeline from @norberttech -

And some useful info from Box maintainer @theofidry;

I didn't really try to do a magical GitHub actions for it tbh, because there is a bit too many things to consider, and mostly I think it you go down that route then you just never test your PHAR which I feel is wrong. It would be akin to publishing a docker image without testing it (which arguably a fair number of people do).

I think it's great if you can manage to get some integration/e2e tests where you can swap the binary used (e.g. to just use the "in-memory" app, a PHAR or docker). But I understand it may not be your priority.

That said the steps are not too complicated, to complement @norberttech:

  • install deps as usual, mind that it's a good practice to configure the PHP platform with Composer
  • build the PHAR (box compile, dunno if you have extra steps to do or not)
  • I recommend at least a minimal smoke test:
            # Smoke test
            -   name: Ensure the PHAR works
                run: bin/box.phar --ansi --version

Then to sign + publish:

            -   name: Import GPG key
                if: github.event_name == 'release'
                uses: crazy-max/ghaction-import-gpg@v6
                    gpg_private_key: ${{ secrets.GPG_KEY_41539BBD4020945DB378F98B2DF45277AEF09A2F }}
                    passphrase: ${{ secrets.GPG_KEY_41539BBD4020945DB378F98B2DF45277AEF09A2F_PASSPHRASE }}

            -   name: Sign the PHAR
                if: github.event_name == 'release'
                run: |
                    gpg --local-user \
                        --batch \
                        --yes \
                        --passphrase="${{ secrets.GPG_KEY_41539BBD4020945DB378F98B2DF45277AEF09A2F_PASSPHRASE }}" \
                        --detach-sign \
                        --output bin/box.phar.asc \

            -   uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
                name: Upload the PHAR artifact
                    name: box-phar
                    path: |