phpBBSEO / usu

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3.1.6 => Nginx => Required an additional rewrite rule to work #104

Open LotusJeff opened 8 years ago

LotusJeff commented 8 years ago

I had to add:

rewrite ^/nforums/(forum|[a-z0-9_-]*-f)([0-9]+)/$ /nforums/viewforum.php?f=$2 last;

This allowed base forums to show.

LotusJeff commented 8 years ago

i have modified the rewrite to handle pagination......

rewrite ^/forums/(forum|[a-z0-9_-]*-f)([0-9]+)/?(page([0-9]+).html)?$ /forums/viewforum.php?f=$2&start=$4 last;

Leinad4Mind commented 8 years ago

@LotusJeff There is an option, Virtual Folder or Forum URL caching that needs to be disable to allow /forums/

As I can see it handles well ads a -15 or -30 in the 2nd page and 3rd page. So, cant see where are yours problems