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Docker for PHP Developers #3

Open adellibovi opened 8 years ago

adellibovi commented 8 years ago

Hi people,

Today I attend PHPBarcelona for the first time and I was thinking that I could add a little contribution. I am an Italian, living in Barcelona for almost three years and working as full stack developer. I am a promoter of Docker because of it's effectiveness, simplicity and reproducibility.

I was thinking that I could get ready a talk on how and why use Docker from developing/debug PHP apps to shipping to production. Maybe for timing reason it would be good to just cover the developing/debug part, this also depends on how people attending are prepared, if they ever used or heard about Docker.

Also, I am not sure if this topic was never discussed since I couldn't find a list of previous topics, someone can point me to that?


kbsali commented 8 years ago

Hi Alfredo,

well that sounds like an awesome proposal! Do you think you could get the presentation ready for the next meetup in +/- a month from now? We already have 1 speaker you would be the 2nd one.


adellibovi commented 8 years ago

@kbsali Yeah I think I can :)

Since it was an idea that occurred me just today during the meet up, what we can do is: I will start to work on the presentation so I can get back to you in a week with a confirmation. Obviously if someones else come with something ready I understand that you prioritise them. I guess that's not a problem neither since we could move this talk to another meetup.


smoya commented 8 years ago

Hi @adellibovi,

We are really happy with your proposal. However, We only have one free slot for May's meetup. I'm gonna mark your talk proposal as "May proposal" and let other people send us other talks and vote them.

We will get back to you two weeks before the meetup. That works for you?


adellibovi commented 8 years ago

@smoya cool! That's perfect.

smoya commented 8 years ago

Hi @adellibovi ,

We confirm your talk for the next meetup (May's one). Still we have to confirm the date and the location of the venue, which we will do very soon.


smoya commented 8 years ago

Hi @adellibovi ,

The meetup will take place on 10th May, at Skyscanner's Offices. Anyway, could you please send, as soon as possible, your talk following this template:


level: beginner | advanced | expert
twitter: your twitter handle
email: your email

Talk description


adellibovi commented 8 years ago

Hi @smoya, I am flying back from London the 10th, what time will be the meetup?

smoya commented 8 years ago


smoya commented 8 years ago

@adellibovi Is this timing fitting with your travel?

adellibovi commented 8 years ago

@smoya Yes, it fits :) Can I make also a small demo in the talk? (Obviously fitting the 30 minutes limit)

adellibovi commented 8 years ago
Awesome Development Environments with Docker

level: beginner
twitter: @adellibovi

Docker is a great tool that enables developers to build and test applications easily and fast.
We will understand what a container is, what benefits brings to PHP developers and why you should use it.
We will also have a demo on how to create a fully configured and set up like production container for your PHP application in less then 5 minutes.
adellibovi commented 8 years ago

@smoya can you also correct my name in "Alfredo Delli Bovi" on the meetup description? It's actually one surname but with two words. :)

smoya commented 8 years ago

done @adellibovi

adellibovi commented 8 years ago

Hi @smoya I have a little inconvenient, my trip to London changed a bit and I must be there the 11th as well. Would be a big problem to find another one to replace my talk?

kbsali commented 8 years ago

ouch, that's a bit of a short notice :/ We have a couple of proposals, let's see if they can be if they can make it.

adellibovi commented 8 years ago

@kbsali yes, that's very unfortunate and I didn't knew until yesterday. Let me know when/if you find a solution

vguardiola commented 7 years ago

Hi Alfredo, we are planning a meetup on 17th November, You are interested in doing this talk on November meetup?


adellibovi commented 7 years ago

@vguardiola sorry for my late reply, I missed the notification of your comment. Unlucky I won't be in Barcelona for mostly everyday of November :(

dcorto commented 7 years ago

@adellibovi lets see if we can plan a last meetup for December or maybe the first meetup of 2017 will be great have some Docker :)

dcorto commented 7 years ago

HI @adellibovi the next meetup is on 1st December, you are able to do this talk on this date?