phpbb / documentation

Documentation for end-users: board visitors, moderators and administrators
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cannot be installed - missing files #283

Open tomatik458 opened 3 months ago

tomatik458 commented 3 months ago


I tried installing this and it seems to be not working at all. The repository doesn't seem to include everything that's required to set this up.

It's missing an include file (functions_docbook.php), a style template (support_documentation_docbook.html), and likely a custom common.php file. It also seemingly wants to run phpBB but is hardcoded to VERY specific directories.

Totally puzzled. Can someone shed some light on how to run this correctly? I would really appreciate it! @marc1706 or @iMattPro

paul999 commented 3 months ago

Not sure what you are trying to setup, but the user documentation is definitely not ment to be run outside of the website. We can't provide support for running it locally, as it is part of the website which is not open source.

tomatik458 commented 3 months ago

I was just trying to run this simple as that, seeing as its posted here as open source... If it's not open source than it should not be posted here.

Having said this, can you guys provide the missing file/s for the docs to run it? Or provide some directions on what's missing and/or what kind of code logic is needed to run it?


paul999 commented 3 months ago

The content of the documentation is licensed under the CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 license, however the full website is not open source, and we will not be providing the sourcecode for that.

tomatik458 commented 3 months ago

I'm not asking for source code. :-/ I'm asking for the missing code/file/s needed to run what you posted here as open source which seems to be the documentation for phpBB itself. What's so difficult and prohibitive about this request?

paul999 commented 3 months ago

The files you are requesting are part of the website, and not part of the documentation. The documentation does not requires those files, as in, we do not provide support for running the documentation on your own website. The documentation files are provided so everyone can contribute to our documentation, but it isn't mean for running the documentation within your own website.

tomatik458 commented 3 months ago

They are clearly part of the documentation as they are missing and required in order to run this. In order to test and make specific improvements or contribution or translations, the doc should be able to be functional. Again. no one is asking for files or code, What I'm asking is what the doc is missing and required.

Can you at least point out what kind of code/function is missing? So I'm not just wasting my time to make improvements of any kind.

Can you say it needs XYZ function , XYZ file and XYZ something? That shouldn't be subjected to any restrictions.

iMattPro commented 3 months ago

As Paul said, these docs are only here to be edited and for pull requests to be made to improve them for the benefit of the phpBB website. There is no magic file that you can use to "install" them as that is part of private proprietary code that powers the phpBB website.

Also there are two types of documentation here. phpBB documentation guides, which are only meant for run on our phpBB website, the content of which is provided here just for editorial/contribution by the public.

And there's development documentation, which operates on a different 3rd party open source platform and therefore, can be rendered locally from its native markdown format into html format that can be viewed locally in a browser if you have Python3 and Pip3 and want to see how your editorial/contributions to it will look when rendered.

Noxwizard commented 3 months ago

The phpBB documentation guides can be generated either as a PDF or as a website. The PDF generation can be run by anyone using FOP (see The website version is configured for and you will need to tailor the XSL files for integration with your own website. While we make the source available, we don't expect others to use the website generation feature due to it being tightly coupled to our site's integration. If you don't require the phpBB integration for your site, then remove those parts from the XSL. All those two includes do is setup template variables and the phpBB session.