Vendor names should be checked including the first dot, underscore or slash/backslash to see if it actually is phpbb. Otherwise vendornames such as phpbbnl or phpbbde will result in errors.
Error: The phpbb vendorname should only be used for official extensions in route names in ...ext\phpbbde\pastebin\config\routing.yml. Current service name: phpbbde_pastebin_main_controller
Error: The phpbb vendorname should only be used for official extensions in service names in ...ext\phpbbde\pastebin\config\services.yml. Current service name: phpbbde.pastebin.functions.pastebin
Error: The phpbb vendorname should only be used for official extensions in service names in ...ext\phpbbde\pastebin\config\services.yml. Current service name: phpbbde.pastebin.controller.main
Vendor names should be checked including the first dot, underscore or slash/backslash to see if it actually is phpbb. Otherwise vendornames such as phpbbnl or phpbbde will result in errors.