Closed Crizz0 closed 4 years ago
What do you want the expected behavior for this to be? To allow img
html tags to pass without errors?
So I take a random key:
'CAPTCHA_RECAPTCHA' => 'reCaptcha',
Turn it into:
'CAPTCHA_RECAPTCHA' => 'reCaptcha <img src="test.png" />',
'CAPTCHA_RECAPTCHA' => 'reCaptcha <img src="test.png">',
Which results in:
Fatal in language/de/captcha_recaptcha.php:CAPTCHA_RECAPTCHA:
String is using additional html: <img src="test.png" />
Fatal in language/de/captcha_recaptcha.php:CAPTCHA_RECAPTCHA:
String is using additional html: <img src="test.png">
The problem iirc was, that e.g. French translators changed everything to HTML5, where phpBB en was still HTML5 and xhtml1.0. so the validator complained, that there was additional html used. I think I did a bloody dirty workaround. But need to look it up.
@MilesCellar Do you still have this problem?
Could you the describe it in your words?
No, I no longer have the issue. If it resurfaces, I will reopen a issue for it.
Thank you! 👍