phpinnacle / ridge

Pure asynchronous PHP implementation of the AMQP 0-9-1 protocol.
MIT License
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Exceptions with requests #24

Open PNixx opened 3 years ago

PNixx commented 3 years ago

I try subscribe to channel with:

yield $channel->consume('onMessage', 'queue', 'tag');
yield $channel->consume('onMessage', 'queue', 'tag');

For first request it working, but for the second it remains pending for a long time.

In rabbitmq I see:

operation basic.consume caused a connection exception not_allowed: "attempt to reuse consumer tag 'tag'"

This also applies to the queueDeclare method with different parameters. I think need to throw an exception when the server raises an error.

mmasiukevich commented 2 years ago

Associated with 26 In the future I will subscribe to frames reporting an error

PNixx commented 2 years ago
yield self::$channel->queueDeclare('test', true);

Passive mode not working. The code stops after the request. In rabbit log I see:

[error] <0.693.0> operation queue.declare caused a channel exception not_found: no queue 'test' in vhost '/'