phpipam / phpipam-agent

phpipam scan agent
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How to install agent ? #76

Open tabtab-ops opened 2 years ago

tabtab-ops commented 2 years ago

Hello everyone, I need to scan a remote network (not the local network where the "main" phpipam server is installed) and to collect the results in the "main" phpipam server. To do this, if I understood, I need to use "phpipam-agent". Is this functionnality needs to be installed in addition of a phpipam installation ? How the collect works ? Where must I declare the remote secondary phpipam ?

Sorry, I don't found any reliable documentation... Thanks Nicolas

fulax commented 2 years ago

I just did it, and it requires several steps:

  1. Follow the README to clone this repository on a host on the remote network
  2. Create a dedicated SQL user on your current phpipam mysql server with the GRANTS in the README.
  3. Copy the config.dist.php in config.php (same directory), adjust the mysql configuration for your server.
  4. Go to your current phpipam installation, in the Administration Menu > scan agents, create a new mysql agent. Copy the agent key and put in the config.php on the new agent.
  5. Test if the configuration works by running ./index.php update it should report nothing when the configuration is OK
  6. Edit the remote networks to set this new agent as scan agent.
k4lli commented 1 year ago

I just did it, and it requires several steps:

  1. Follow the README to clone this repository on a host on the remote network
  2. Create a dedicated SQL user on your current phpipam mysql server with the GRANTS in the README.
  3. Copy the config.dist.php in config.php (same directory), adjust the mysql configuration for your server.
  4. Go to your current phpipam installation, in the Administration Menu > scan agents, create a new mysql agent. Copy the agent key and put in the config.php on the new agent.
  5. Test if the configuration works by running ./index.php update it should report nothing when the configuration is OK
  6. Edit the remote networks to set this new agent as scan agent.

could we add this to the repo-readme please?

rimvydukas commented 7 months ago

I just did it, and it requires several steps:

  1. Copy the config.dist.php in config.php (same directory), adjust the mysql configuration for your server.
  2. Test if the configuration works by running ./index.php update it should report nothing when the configuration is OK
  3. Edit the remote networks to set this new agent as scan agent.

Do I understand this right that remote scan agent needs to have php installed? What minimal packages need to be installed?