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Mac Addresses cut of when adding subnets #2972

Open woddivad opened 4 years ago

woddivad commented 4 years ago

Request for help using phpIPAM / Misc question? When discovery subnets with arp scan, after adding new subnet, the mac address is brought in with "Mac:string: xx:xx:xx:. The last for of the mac are cut of. I can see that Im getting the whole mac after scan is complete but when I click to add, they are cut off. Also cut off when exporting to xls.

is there a way to increase the size of the cell the macs are populating in or a way of deleting "Mac:string from the import?

I'm new to IPAM and would love to have some feedback on this.

thanks !!!!

woddivad commented 4 years ago

alter table ipaddresses in maria db. increased varchar from 20 to 100.