phpmentoring / webapp

PHP Mentoring matching website
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Added a blog #99

Closed dragonmantank closed 3 years ago

dragonmantank commented 7 years ago

A real working blog example! YAY!

This reads in a list of markdown files from a folder and converts them into blogposts in a DB. It also handles cleaning up any posts that don't have corresponding markdown files.

Markdown files should be placed in data/posts/, and named in They can have YAML frontmatter and markdown:

title: This is a sample post
published: 1

This is the content.

### And it supports markdown

I'm going to run this on the dev site for a bit. If anyone has any blog articles they want to write, they can branch off of this branch.

Fixes #22

svpernova09 commented 6 years ago

el oh el