phpmx / phpmxbot

A Slack bot for the PHP Mexico Community.
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Feature/add messages for score updated. #34

Closed javleds closed 2 years ago

javleds commented 2 years ago

This PR is a little bit longer, the main idea was to give a solution for the issue, nevertheless, to accomplish that required 2 changes:

  1. Look for a better way to build a message without having breaking changes (More details below).
  2. Restrict self score upgrade.

In addition, and it is open to suggestions, we added the username and the score of the affected users.

The final output is similar to this: bot

I will append a couple of segments that can be added to the wiki in case this PR gets approved, one for the class created to buid the message and other to replace the custom messages.


Build markdown messages for slack can be a little bit hard since we have to create a complex array structures called AdditionalParameters. In that structure we have to define blocks, sections and fields.

This data structure should be serialized in order to be processed by the BotMan and finally give a readable message on Slack.

In example, in order to send the following message:

    Hello world!
    This is the PhpMxBot
    And I love the PhpMx community.

    Hope to keep learning a lot
    With you <3

We have to generate the following structure:

    $additionalParameters = ['blocks' => '[{"type":"section","text":{"type":"plain_text","text":"Hello world!","emoji":true}},{"type":"section","text":{"type":"plain_text","text":"This is the PhpMxBot","emoji":true}},{"type":"section","text":{"type":"plain_text","text":"And I love the PhpMx community","emoji":true}},{"type":"divider"},{"type":"section","text":{"type":"plain_text","text":"Hope to keep learning a lot","emoji":true}},{"type":"section","text":{"type":"mrkdwn","text":"*With you* :heart:"}}]'];

Painful, right?

To make easy the creation of that data structure we propose the AdditionalParametersBuilder class which builds this complex array using natural and fluent language.

    class AdditionalParametersBuilder:

    static create(): MessageBuilder
    Returns a self instance to use it fluetly.

    addText(string $message, bool $processEmoji): MessageBuilder
    Add a string to the message in a new row.

    addMardown(string $message): MessageBuilder
    Add a string to the message in a new row. This
    strings allows to pass markdown strings and 
    they will be processed according the Slack 
    Api Message Format

    addDivider(): MessageBuilder 
    Add a divider, usefull to separate or format

    build(): array
    Build the required array structure to be used
    by the BotMan.

In order to build the previous example we have to use the following code block:

$additionalParameters = PhpMx\Builders\AdditionalParametersBuilder::create()
            ->addText('Hello world!')
            ->addText('This is the PhpMxBot')
            ->addText('And I love the PhpMx community')
            ->addText('Hope to keep learning a lot')
            ->addMarkdown('*With you* :heart:')

Replace the custom messages

We have created the config/parameters.yml file with 3 important entries:

In order to change, add or remove any message we have to edit those array properties. Also we have created 2 placeholders, {user} and {score} which will be replaced for the real username and score of the leaderboard.

In example:

'¿De verdad?, Aún tienes {score} puntos {user}.'

Will be rendered as:

'¿De verdad?, Aún tienes 15 puntos @Javier Ledezma.'
eruizdechavez commented 2 years ago

Very nice work! I'd like to see the message suggestion implemented before we merge this pull request.

javleds commented 2 years ago

Very nice work! I'd like to see the message suggestion implemented before we merge this pull request.

Thanks @eruizdechavez , what do you mean with see the implementation?

If it is at code level, we already use it in the PlusPlus conversation to build a complex message:

  1. First of all, we create the builder (line 35).

    $replyParameters = new AdditionalParametersBuilder();
  2. If the user try to increase its own score, we add a new message (in md) and also a divider, to split message types (line 43).

  3. For each modified score, we add a new part of the text in md as well (line 54).

  4. Finally, when we want to reply, we build the message (line 57):

    $bot->replyInThread('Points updated!', $replyParameters->build());

is that what you mean?

eruizdechavez commented 2 years ago

I'd like to see the message suggestion implemented before we merge this pull request.

Thanks @eruizdechavez , what do you mean with see the implementation?

@javleds what I mean I want to see it actually implemented with environment variables, SQLite (as I suggested) or any other alternative someone proposes instead of the config files.

I am also flexible if you think that is extra work that should be done on a follow up pull request.

javleds commented 2 years ago

The origin of the messages were moved from the parametrs.yaml to a database table.