phpmyadmin / docker

Docker container for phpMyAdmin
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Include a dark theme in the default image? #347

Open kevincoleman opened 2 years ago

kevincoleman commented 2 years ago

I looked back and read through the issue re: adding a more modern theme.

I’m wondering now if it might be widely accepted as a good idea to include a dark theme—even a lightweight one—as part of the default image.

Happy to be shut down. Just thinking many might like it. I’m not even picky about which theme, but just to throw something out there it looks like DarkWolf might be ok.

Thanks in advance for even considering it!

sushiat commented 2 years ago

Yes please, the glare from the phpmyadmin page late at night is a bit much :)

espilioto commented 2 years ago

Oh man, this would be great! <3

Skylinar commented 2 years ago


Goldsucher commented 1 year ago


miguelangelcdm commented 1 year ago


williamdes commented 1 year ago

We have this in mind, it requires some team discussion but for me it's okay to add one more theme by default (Only for Docker users)

smphayward commented 1 year ago

+1 on this. Just installed phpMyAdmin for the very first time (using Docker) and the first thing I looked for was how to set dark theme.

The older I get, the more light themes hurt my eyes.

beeyev commented 1 year ago

I created a custom docker image which is automatically built on top of the official phpmyadmin fpm-alpine. It already includes webserver and two official dark themes.

Docker hub: Github repo



kevincoleman commented 1 year ago

@beeyev That’s awesome! I wonder what the accessibility might be of turning this into a proper PR for the core team. Maybe then it’d just get rolled into a version release?

williamdes commented 1 year ago

@beeyev That’s awesome! I wonder what the accessibility might be of turning this into a proper PR for the core team. Maybe then it’d just get rolled into a version release?

@ibennetch @MauricioFauth what do you think between:

MauricioFauth commented 1 year ago

@williamdes Is there a way to add a custom theme to an image?

Doesn't makes much sense to me to ship a theme only on Docker. And I don't like the idea of ship a new theme with 5.2.

williamdes commented 1 year ago

@williamdes Is there a way to add a custom theme to an image?

Yes, mounting it directly in the themes folder.

Doesn't makes much sense to me to ship a theme only on Docker.

yeah, that feels weird

And I don't like the idea of ship a new theme with 5.2.

I agree

So one of the alternatives I was thinking of would be to provide some ENV to install themes from our website on container start. Or copy them from a folder (that that's not the best)

MauricioFauth commented 1 year ago

Makes sense to build an extra image with more themes or an new image with only the theme, that can be attached to the main image? (I don't have much experience with Docker)

williamdes commented 1 year ago

Makes sense to build an extra image with more themes or an new image with only the theme, that can be attached to the main image? (I don't have much experience with Docker)

It has no sense like that but if you convert "image" with "tag" then it could make sense, yes: So it would add a new variant to the list: apache,fpm,fpm-alpine But that would also have terrible consequences because we would have to duplicate everything. For example apache-extra-themes,fpm-extra-themes,fpm-alpine-extra-themes

But with an ENV, any existing variant can benefit from the change without much effort.

Or we just add more themes by default to the Docker image on all variants but like you said, it's not best too

MauricioFauth commented 1 year ago

So, the best thing right now is to add the ability to add more themes via an ENV.

About a dark theme, I'm working on adding support (phpMyAdmin 6.0) for a button that toggles a light/dark mode for supported themes, starting with the, already included, Bootstrap theme.

ibennetch commented 1 year ago

I'd like to just add a dark theme to the full regular official release, which would of course also be included in the Docker image. We have three good candidates for that right now, but darkwolf has been around for quite a while.

As an aside, I'd like to make it easier for people to upgrade themes between versions, I feel right now it's mostly trial-and-error and testing. I had hoped that would help but I'm not sure if that's really that useful or being updated.

I would say that using an ENV tag to specify a theme to download would be acceptable, but my personal favorite solution is to allow users to mount the theme directory and manually put them there.

I do not think we should create more Docker tags.

MauricioFauth commented 1 year ago

I don't like the idea of adding a theme in 5.2, but I don't opposed to that, as there are no dark themes in it. And the dark themes on the demo server are good ones.

Stoyvo commented 1 year ago

Love the dialog and progression, it feels late to be making a solution myself. What can we do to get this going? I'm not sure why wait for a major version. I think a progression of: 5.X - Add Dark theme via ENV. This creates a "beta" testing ground. 6 - Auto-switch to dark theme if system setting is dark mode. This is an official "release" to everyone.

williamdes commented 1 year ago

I would say that using an ENV tag to specify a theme to download would be acceptable, but my personal favorite solution is to allow users to mount the theme directory and manually put them there.

Okay, let's make a PR for this. It would be super helpful

puzanov commented 4 months ago

Actually it's quite easy to install any dark theme manually and put additional config into the docker compose.

  1. go to
  2. I prefer BooDark themes family, there are three of them and they are not so acid as the rest ones
  3. BooDark Nord is perfect fmsp
  4. create a folder theme in the same folder as compose.yaml
  5. unpack inside theme folder
  6. add volume into the compose: - './pma-theme/boodark-nord:/var/www/html/themes/boodark-nord:ro'
  7. call docker compose up --build and enjoy
  8. do not forget to commit and push unpacked theme to your repo

I see there are already some preinstalled themes and it will be REALLY great to have several dark options. I use almost all in dark mode so far just to keep my eyes in a good share expecially when you code at night. And I think that most of the users of PMA are coders and use probably VSCode and there is the dark theme installed by default, so better to keep the modern pace and integrate dark themes, @MauricioFauth

kmanadkat commented 4 months ago

I just put theme files in the running container using Docker Desktop :)

Screenshot 2024-05-02 at 12 41 30 AM Screenshot 2024-05-02 at 12 44 25 AM Screenshot 2024-05-02 at 12 45 24 AM

PS: I didn't even have to restart the container, just refreshing the phpmyadmin browser tab loaded new themes.