phpmyadmin / docker

Docker container for phpMyAdmin
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Kubernetes: There seems to be some sort of writing protection on the docker image #419

Open HakunMatat4 opened 1 year ago

HakunMatat4 commented 1 year ago

Image: phpmyadmin:5.2.1

I am playing with phpmyadmin and mariadb on my homelab kubernetes cluster, and although it all works, the docker images doesn't seem to accept environment variables:


But none of those values are being passed over, in fact TZ is set as TZ=UTC

MariaDB pod which is set just like above:


printenv does show those env and I can mysql -u user -p and it all works


I can access it from phpmyadmin just fine but something isn't 100% right.


I tried to mount its /var/www/html as persistence volume, it does not accept that either, I mean, the volume is mounted empty so why I think there is some writing restriction on this image. mariadb does mount its volume, I have deleted it dozen times playing around and the data stays as expected.

Thank you

williamdes commented 1 year ago

This user seems to have got it working:

I still did not have time to try Kubernetes myself

HakunMatat4 commented 1 year ago

@williamdes I got somewhere.

phpmyadmin:latest did accepts the envs but I am not big fan of running latest images. But even it won't mount the volume, you get access denied issues so if I wanna make changes, I must compile my own docker image.

Something isn't right with the image permission, even that other ticket you mentioned, you can see that user stopped mounting a volume for it to work.

I was running phpmyadmin:2.5.1 so I downgraded to phpmyadmin:2.5 and it is accepting the envs now. When accessing for the first time, it auto login using the envs input, no more loging is required.


# printenv | grep PMA

This is my whole Terraform template and it works fine on my homelab kubernetes.

resource "kubernetes_service" "phpmyadmin_service" {
  metadata {
    name = "${}-service"
    namespace = var.namespace
    labels = {
      app =
  spec {   
    selector = {
      app =
      tier = "app"
    type = "LoadBalancer"    
    port {
      port = 80
      target_port = 80

resource "kubernetes_deployment" "phpmyadmin_deployment" {
  metadata {
    name =
    namespace = var.namespace   
    labels = {
      app =
      tier = "app"
  spec {
    replicas = 1
    selector {
      match_labels = {
        app =
        tier = "app"
    template {
      metadata {
        labels = {
          app =
          tier = "app"         
      spec {
        container {
          name =
          image = var.image
          port {
            container_port = 80
          env_from {
            secret_ref {
              name = "mariadb-user"
          env {
            name = "PMA_ARBITRARY"
            value = "1"
          env {
            name = "PMA_HOST"
            value = "mariadb-service.mariadb.svc.cluster.local"
          env {
            name = "PMA_PORT"
            value = "40000"
          env_from {
            secret_ref {
              name = "mariadb-user"
          env_from {
            secret_ref {
              name = "mariadb-password"

Thank you

williamdes commented 1 year ago

Let's keep this one open until we solve most of it and have a working documentation for users.

What changes do you want to make?

I was running phpmyadmin:2.5.1 so I downgraded to phpmyadmin:2.5 and it is accepting the envs now.

This makes no sense, it's probably the opposite. And it's an upgrade then Is 5.2.1 tag working better? By the way, using latest or an other tag gives you the same software and container. I mean latest is only a shortcut name :)

HakunMatat4 commented 1 year ago

This makes no sense, it's probably the opposite. And it's an upgrade then

I should have explained better lol

For security reasons it is always a good practice to use a tagged version than latest, that is why I went with 5.2.1 instead of latest

By the way, using latest or an other tag gives you the same software and container. I mean latest is only a shortcut name :)

hmm not really, if I redeploy this template, it will run 5.2 while the latest will pick always the latest version which I believe is 5.2.1 I usually check the vulnerabilities and compile my own image with the fix but yeah, won't get into that lol

So to wrap-up, I am running phpmyadmin:5.2 at the moment because the vars are being passed over as expected, the auto-login works as expected by reading the envs, 5.2.1 didn't work. The only pending bit is the volume, if I set a persistentvolumeclaim to keep the files, it gives me an access denied permission. I can live with that for now and it is homelab so.

HakunMatat4 commented 1 year ago

To give you more content:


Declare the persistentvolumeclaim:

resource "kubernetes_persistent_volume" "phpmyadmin_config_pv" {
  metadata {
    name = "phpmyadmin-config-pv"
  spec {  
    capacity = {
      storage = "5Gi"
    access_modes = ["ReadWriteOnce"]
    persistent_volume_source {
     host_path {
      path = "/persistent_volume/phpmyadmin/"  

resource "kubernetes_persistent_volume_claim" "phpmyadmin_config_pvc" {
  metadata {
    name = "phpmyadmin-config-pvc"
    namespace = var.namespace    
  spec {
    access_modes = ["ReadWriteOnce"]
    resources {
      requests = {
        storage = "5Gi"
    volume_name = "${}"

Mount it:

      volume_mount {
        name       = "lib-mysql"
        mount_path = "/var/www/html"

      volume {
        name = "lib-mysql"
        persistent_volume_claim {
          claim_name = "phpmyadmin-config-pvc"

Empty directory:

root@node01:/persistent_volume/phpmyadmin# ls
williamdes commented 1 year ago

Thank you, I will have another look at this But the tag 5.2.1 is exactly the same as 5.2, at the moment. I do not get why it's not working You are not using the fpm version, right?

Also, why do you want to mount a volume? The container manages it's content itself :) That said a while ago it would have filled your volume with the contents. But we need to fix this back

HakunMatat4 commented 1 year ago

You are not using the fpm version, right?

That is correct, I'm using the normal version.

Also, why do you want to mount a volume?\nThe container manages it's content itself :)

I mean, why not?? hahaha Heimdall Dashboard for example, to upload higher quality background image, you need to edit its config file and restart the container.

Well, Kubernetes deployment will automatically deploy a stock container if you do that. Also, if you update the container version, any changes will be lost so why you wanna mount the application volume for any changes to remain no matter what happened with the container.

This is a normal practice in Docker as it's with Kubernetes no matter if I'm running my homelab or the company GCP/AWS Kubernetes cluster.

williamdes commented 1 year ago

Okay, so if you mount the volume on the apache2 version it's most probably a bad idea to do it as it was not made for this use case. So you are mostly creating problems for yourself ^^

Also, if you update the container version, any changes will be lost so why you wanna mount the application volume for any changes to remain no matter what happened with the container.

For this, there is no need to save any changes as nothing changes in the container :) You are safe dropping the volume for var www The only volumes you should mount are the ones you can find in the documentation.

Can you drop the lib-mysql volume and let me know if everything works great? I hope I did not miss an aspect of Kubernetes