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New categories #137

Open kapilsharma opened 7 years ago

kapilsharma commented 7 years ago

Currently, we have following categories in PHP Reboot magazine.

mysql> select id, name, description from categories;
| id | name            | description                                                                                         |
|  1 | Architecture    | Articles discussing about system architecture in general and not associated with any framework/CMS. |
|  2 | Cake PHP        | Articles related to Cake PHP framework                                                              |
|  3 | Comparison      | Articles comparing two or more things                                                               |
|  4 | Database        | Articles related to database, both RDBMS & NoSQL                                                    |
|  5 | Design Pattern  | Articles related to design pattern                                                                  |
|  6 | Dev-ops         | Articles related to dev-ops.                                                                        |
|  7 | Drupal          | Articles related to Drupal CMS                                                                      |
|  8 | Joomla          | Articles related to Joomla CMS                                                                      |
|  9 | Laravel         | Articles related to Laravel framework                                                               |
| 10 | Library         | Article about some common third-party library                                                       |
| 11 | Magento         | Articles related to Magento                                                                         |
| 12 | Phalcon         | Articles related to Phalcon framework                                                               |
| 13 | PHP-General     | Article important about PHP but are not related to any framework or other defined category          |
| 14 | Security        | Articles related to web application security                                                        |
| 15 | Silex           | Articles related to Silex framework                                                                 |
| 16 | Slim Framework  | Articles related to Slim Framework                                                                  |
| 17 | Statistics      | Articles showing some statistics                                                                    |
| 18 | Symfony         | Articles related to Symfony framework                                                               |
| 19 | Tools           | Articles discussing some web development tools                                                      |
| 20 | Wordpress       | Articles related to Wordpress                                                                       |
| 21 | Yii             | Articles related to Yii framework                                                                   |
| 22 | Zend Expressive | Articles related to Zend Expressive framework                                                       |
| 23 | Zend Framework  | Articles related to Zend Framework                                                                  |
23 rows in set (0.00 sec)

We need following new categories:

kapilsharma commented 7 years ago

Technical details

We need to write new seeder. An example can be taken from CategoryTableSeeder

kapilsharma commented 7 years ago

Article to be added in Lumen category, depends on this issue.

aabi01 commented 7 years ago

@kapilsharma i would like to take this issue !

aabi01 commented 7 years ago

Can i update the existing CategoryTableSeeder ?

kapilsharma commented 7 years ago


No, please do not update existing seeder, create a new one. Existing seeder is already executed on live ( so we can't execute it again.

I'm adding you as team member so you can be officially be assigned to any issue.

Being a member, you will be able to push on any branch except master. However we follow forking workflow and no one directly push to main repo (It might impact other developers). We always create pull request on development branch for features.

aabi01 commented 7 years ago

Yeah sure, i will follow the workflow that you already are following.Thanks for the details. Is there any naming convention that you would like to follow for the new seeder?

kapilsharma commented 7 years ago

October16NewCategoryTableSeeder might be good name. It will help us identify when we added new categories.

kapilsharma commented 7 years ago


kapilsharma commented 7 years ago

@aabi01 you can check for better view of issues. Also if you login to through github, you can move, update and comment from there only.

Above label changed automatically as I moved issue from backlog to assigned.

kapilsharma commented 7 years ago

Production issue

php artisan db:seed
*     Application In Production!     *

 Do you really wish to run this command? (yes/no) [no]:
 > yes

Seeded: CategoryTableSeeder

  Class October16NewCategoryTableSeeder does not exist

@aabi01 can you please check issue urgently.

aabi01 commented 7 years ago

Yeah sure, i will look into it !