phpro / grumphp-shim

This repository provides easy way to install GrumPHP without the risk of conflicting dependencies.
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TwigCS default ruleset gets prefixed #11

Open veewee opened 3 years ago

veewee commented 3 years ago

The default ruleset for twigCS gets scoped. Resulting in errors: MicrosoftTeams-image


class TwigCs extends \GrumPHP\Task\AbstractExternalTask
    public static function getConfigurableOptions() : \_HumbugBoxdfa46d19239b\Symfony\Component\OptionsResolver\OptionsResolver
                'ruleset'      => '_HumbugBoxdfa46d19239b\\FriendsOfTwig\\Twigcs\\Ruleset\\Official',
        return $resolver;

This specific class could be namespaced if it does not break anything else.

veewee commented 2 years ago

See php-scoper: exclude-constants property.