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PHPMD task does not check all file extensions #1098

Closed malcomio closed 10 months ago

malcomio commented 11 months ago
Version 2.0.0
Bug? yes
New feature? no
Question? no
Documentation? no
Related tickets comma-separated list of related tickets

My configuration See

Steps to reproduce:

  1. clone
  2. composer install in the repo directory
  3. run vendor/bin/grumphp run --tasks phpmd

Expected result Problems should be reported in test.module and test.php, as they are when running PHPMD directly with the --suffixes flag:

➜  grumphp-test git:(main) ✗ vendor/bin/phpmd docroot ansi phpmd.xml --suffixes 'php,module'                                                                  16:05:55

FILE: /Users/mayoung/Code/grumphp-test/docroot/test.module
 4 | VIOLATION | Avoid variables with short names like $i. Configured minimum length is 3.
 4 | VIOLATION | Avoid unused local variables such as '$i'.

FILE: /Users/mayoung/Code/grumphp-test/docroot/test.php
 4 | VIOLATION | Avoid variables with short names like $i. Configured minimum length is 3.
 4 | VIOLATION | Avoid unused local variables such as '$i'.

Found 4 violations and 0 errors in 223ms

Actual result Problems are only reported in test.php


FILE: /Users/mayoung/Code/grumphp-test/docroot/test.php
 4 | VIOLATION | Avoid variables with short names like $i. Configured minimum length is 3.

Found 1 violation and 0 errors in 222ms
malcomio commented 11 months ago

This seems to be specific to certain file extensions - .inc is checked as expected, but .module and .install are not

veewee commented 11 months ago

The phpmd task currently has no support for the --suffixes flag. It shouldn't be too hard to add it. Care to give it a spin?

malcomio commented 11 months ago

As far as I can see, the changes in should work, but the other file types are still not being checked

debugging inside \GrumPHP\Process\ProcessBuilder::buildProcess, I can see the arguments being set as I'd expect:

    [commandline:Symfony\Component\Process\Process:private] => Array
            [0] => /Users/mayoung/Code/grumphp-test/vendor/bin/phpmd
            [1] => docroot/,docroot/test.install,docroot/test.module,docroot/test.php
            [2] => ansi
            [3] => phpmd.xml
            [4] => --suffixes 'php,module,inc,install,test,profile,theme'

I must be missing something...

veewee commented 11 months ago

The process building handles escaping for you per argument. You don't need to add quotes yourself. You probably need to make sure that --suffixes and the list of extensions are 2 separate arguments? (I don't use that tool, so you might need to consult the docs of phpmd on how to use that flag)

malcomio commented 11 months ago

Thanks - they did indeed need to be separate arguments

I've created #1103 with these changes

relevant PHPMD docs are at

--suffixes - Comma-separated string of valid source code filename extensions, e.g. php, phtml.