phpstan / phpstan-nette

Nette Framework class reflection extension for PHPStan & framework-specific rules
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Missing dynamic return type for Nette\Http\Session::getSection() #77

Open KacerCZ opened 3 years ago

KacerCZ commented 3 years ago

Method Nette\Http\Session::getSection() has optional second parameter which can change class of returned object. This extension does not support it and always returns Nette\Http\SessionSection class.

lukasojd commented 2 years ago


TomasVotruba commented 2 years ago

Hi, could you provide PHP code examples of these 2 states? (I don't use Nette on this level) I might try to add the extension then :+1:

KacerCZ commented 2 years ago

Here is the definition of method:

In following examples $sessionHandler is instance of \Nette\Http\Session.

Example using default class for session section:

$section = $sessionHandler->getSection('mySection');

Variable $section contains instance of \Nette\Http\SessionSection.

Example using diferent class for session section:

class MySection extends \Nette\Http\SessionSection {}

$section = $sessionHandler->getSection('mySection', MySection::class);

Variable $section contains instance of MySection.

lulco commented 1 year ago


I think this is similar case and you can handle it with stub. I think something like this:

  * @template T of \Nette\Http\SessionSection
  * @phpstan-param class-string<T> $class
  * @phpstan-return T
public function getSection(string $section, string $class = SessionSection::class): \Nette\Http\SessionSection