phpstan / phpstan-webmozart-assert

PHPStan extension for webmozart/assert
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Fix CS in test data #137

Closed herndlm closed 2 years ago

herndlm commented 2 years ago

Wanted to do this since forever and now's a good time I think. I know CS is not enforced in those data files, but it bothered me that e.g. assertType was not imported but used via FQCN instead.

ondrejmirtes commented 2 years ago

Nope, sorry, I'm not interested in keeping CS in test files :) It's impossible, I usually want 1:1 reproduction with a submitted bug report and they never adhere to coding standards. Thanks anyway.

herndlm commented 2 years ago

it was 99% the assertType imports though :D and of course it's still not enforced, this wouldn't make sense, I agree.

herndlm commented 2 years ago

Would you consider a PR that just "fixes" the assertType imports? They're normally from us anyways. At least this is then consistent with how phpstan-src is using them in test files.

ondrejmirtes commented 2 years ago

Yeah, sure :)