phptal / PHPTAL

PHP Template Attribute Language — template engine for XSS-proof well-formed XHTML and HTML5 pages
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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TalesInternal method of writing functions can lead to undefined default constants #13

Closed ajcrites closed 11 years ago

ajcrites commented 11 years ago

PHPTAL/Php/TalesInternal was updated to return function calls as strings at some point, but this can lead to unintended expressions when the default/nothing keywords are used.

For example, any of the following:

<tal:block content="true:"/>
<tal:block content="true:nothing"/>
<tal:block content="true:default"/>
<tal:block content="json:"/>

....and many others will yield notices such as: Undefined constant _NOTHING_NOTHING_NOTHING_NOTHING_

This is because the evaluation of true:, not:, json:, etc. now returns a string like:


This is what convertExpressionToExpressions, TalesChainExecutor::_executeChain, and other methods receive. Many of these methods have exact checks against PHPTAL_Php_TalesInternal::NOTHING_KEYWORD (and DEFAULT), but these will fail against the above expressions.

ajcrites commented 11 years ago

I would like to fix this issue myself, but I haven't contributed to this project before. My suggestions would be to do either one of the following:

Also it may be preferable to use methods rather than functions for phptal_, but this is most likely a separate issue.

Another possible method would be to check against a match of _NOTHING_NOTHING... within the string before the expression is returned, but I think that is much uglier.

kornelski commented 11 years ago

Thanks for spotting this. I think you've got a good idea what the problem is — I'll be happy to merge a fix if you write one.

How about replacing nothing keyword with an instance of a class that stringifies to null?

class PHPTAL_NothingKeyword {
    function __toString() {return 'null';}

This way It'd work when it's treated as a string, but you could check for its special status with instanceof.