phptal / PHPTAL

PHP Template Attribute Language — template engine for XSS-proof well-formed XHTML and HTML5 pages
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Ability to use closures in TAL variables #20

Closed ajcrites closed 11 years ago

ajcrites commented 11 years ago

I think it would be very handy to able pass closures to PHPTAL variables, or to objects that are themselves passed to PHPTAL, such as:

$tpl->foon = function () { return 'barn'; };

Currently PHPTAL will try to concatenate $ctx->foon, which results in "Object of Closure could not be converted to string."

You can get around this via:

<tal:block content="func:foon"/>
function phptal_tales_func($src, $nothrow) {
    return 'call_user_func(' . phptal_tales($src, $nothrow) . ')';

...but I think this is behavior we can actually build into PHPTAL. I will implement myself if I get positive feedback about this.

kornelski commented 11 years ago

That's a very good idea. Go for it!

tanakahisateru commented 11 years ago

Is the test able to pass when PHP5.2?

ajcrites commented 11 years ago

@tanakahisateru it won't work in PHP5.2 because the closures are not part of the PHP5.2 syntax; this doesn't mean PHPTAL as a whole will not work with PHP5.2, though.

Is there a way to specify that a test will only work for a certain PHP version?

kornelski commented 11 years ago

Since this relies on new syntax in PHP5.3, it'll have to be inside eval() and the test can check phpversion() and call $this->markTestSkipped().

ajcrites commented 11 years ago

I don't understand what you mean about eval(). What has to be inside eval() and where?

kornelski commented 11 years ago
if (false) {
    $var->foo = function(){}

will give syntax error on PHP 5.2, because it looks at entire file first and won't understand closure syntax.

if (false) {
    eval('$var->foo = function(){}');

will work in both 5.2 and 5.3.

This way you can put closures in the test.

ajcrites commented 11 years ago

Okay, I understand now, thanks.

ajcrites commented 11 years ago

I'm trying to install 5.2.17 on ubuntu using , but no matter what I try I keep getting configure: error: libjpeg.(a|so) not found. Any suggestions?

kornelski commented 11 years ago

Have you tried apt-get install libjpeg-dev (or libjpeg or libpeg-devel)?

ajcrites commented 11 years ago

Yes I had to do that to be able to install 5.4 and 5.3. I also tried creating a link from /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/ to /usr/lib for the .so and .a, but no dice.

kornelski commented 11 years ago

Try ./configure --without-jpeg

ajcrites commented 11 years ago

I still haven't had any luck with that installation, but the changes should be done on the tales_closure branch if someone else would like to confirm that the PHP 5.2.17 tests work. Otherwise I'll create a pull request unless anyone has any comments.

kornelski commented 11 years ago

I think if ($var instanceof Closure) should work in 5.2 (and return false). This will save you from checking PHP version and is better style than is_a().

tanakahisateru commented 11 years ago

I suggest is_object($var) && is_callable($var) because callable object might not in Closure type hierarchy. PHP5.3 let any object be Invokable by magic method.

And it should be tough against future version of PHP which would be shipped some Non-Closure callable object.

I tested below:

class InvokableClass {
    public function __invoke() { return true; }

$std = new stdClass;
echo is_callable($std); // =>false

$invokable = new InvokableClass;
echo is_callable($invokable); // =>true
echo ($invokable instanceof Closure) // =>false
ajcrites commented 11 years ago

@tanakahisateru My plan was to only check whether the expression is a closure, and as far as I know this can only be done by checking whether it extends from Closure. If there is another way that would be great,

The reason I chose to avoid using strictly "callability" is because up till now PHPTAL converts provided expressions to PHP's equivalents of primitives (string, boolean, etc.). Consider

class InvokableClass {
    public function __invoke() { return true; }
    public function __toString() { return "true"; }

However, if we agree that "if the expression is an object and is invokable it should be invoked" as a standard we can do that. I think that the is_object check satisfies the possibility of a non-object being passed to is_callable, and it returns true for anonymous functions.

ajcrites commented 11 years ago

Created d30117d in a separate branch to implement @tanakahisateru suggestion

kornelski commented 11 years ago
