phptal / PHPTAL

PHP Template Attribute Language — template engine for XSS-proof well-formed XHTML and HTML5 pages
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Added ja Manual #6

Closed shivashanti closed 12 years ago

shivashanti commented 12 years ago

Renewed manual on Japanese, in docBook form.

Ocramius commented 12 years ago

Now waiting for a Japanese reviewer? =)

tanakahisateru commented 12 years ago

I will do soon, from iPhone

Ocramius commented 12 years ago

@tanakahisateru thought it was you doing the PR, sorry :)

shivashanti commented 12 years ago


tanakahisateru commented 12 years ago

Thanks for your hard work! I tested and got Japanese HTML sectioned as same as other versions. This patch looks even fine as 1st entry of repository. I think that we can merge it now. Then, I want to fix some untranslated paragraphs and next commit.

By the way, @shivashanti, are you older translator of Japanese? 前のバージョンではよく参照させてもらっていました。ありがとうございます。

@pornel I also think we can join him as collaborator of this repository if he would hope. How is it?

kornelski commented 12 years ago

@tanakahisateru done.

shivashanti commented 12 years ago

Ommisions are last paragraphs? done for now.

@tanakahisateru yes it's me. どうもです。お役に立てたのであれば幸いです。

@pornel @tanakahisateru Thanks for inviting. And I found moved link in manuals(in other language's too). I fix these at original. ok?

tanakahisateru commented 12 years ago

Thanks for inviting. And I found moved link in manuals(in other language's too). I fix these at original. ok?

I believe there are no problem because Git can revert any changes if it was obviously wrong.