phpugl / Dime

Dime Timetracker [Symfony2, Backbone.js, Bootstrap]
MIT License
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InvoiceBundle: use REST API #43

Closed tqmz closed 12 years ago

tqmz commented 12 years ago

Please let us use the REST API provided by Dime\TimetrackerBundle to de-couple the invoice bundle from the application where the activities are actually tracked.

Scenario: a company has Dime installed on a server to let you track your times, but does not offer the invoice functionality (or at least not with the modifications you want to have on your invoices like templates, additional notes, what ever).

Using the API instead of directly calling Doctrine methods would allow you to have your own local Dime setup and connect directly to the company's Dime instance to retrieve data for invoicing.

Two nice PHP REST clients are Buzz and Guzzle:

There is also one Symfony 2 bundle which uses Buzz and might be a reference for implementation:

tqmz commented 12 years ago

moved to phpugl/DimeInvoiceBundle