phpversions /

Which hosts support which PHP versions, and which is default
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[RFC] Rewrite Checklist #442

Open matthewtrask opened 6 years ago

matthewtrask commented 6 years ago

Hey yall,

As this project gets bigger (met a ton of mainline hosts for Wordpress yesterday with tons of interest), I wanted to make a check list here of things we should do/will do to bump this:

a. off jekyll and into PHP b. write a few things that will help us automate this easier.

So the list which will be updated as we go is as follows:

colinodell commented 6 years ago

instructions for hosts to help us automate it i.e. they expose /version or something, and it returns a JSON/YML/whatever response of the version. More reliable.

Is this in regards to hosts keeping their version numbers up-to-date? If so, I'd ask you to consider keeping the ability to provide phpinfo URLs as these have a few benefits:

Apologies for rambling a little bit there :) Just wanted to throw my $0.02 into the mix.

matthewtrask commented 6 years ago

Im fine with phpinfo as well. Im just looking for more ways to automate it, make it easier for hosting providers to get us the information. As I wandering around Wordcamp, and asked how to verify their PHP versions, most didn't have a solid answer. Godaddy and Bluehost wanted to give me accounts, which I don't want. So I think a nice compromise would be an endpoint with the version. But your point about cheating is absolutely valid and crucial.