phr00t / FocusEngine

Focus Game Engine. This is Stride/Xenko fast-tracked for Phr00t's Software games. Improvements over the original Focus on Vulkan support, PC platforms, VR, performance & ease. Cherry-picks commits from other forks as needed.
MIT License
97 stars 11 forks source link

Vulkan error in vrclient_<app name>_log.txt #29

Open phr00t opened 5 years ago

phr00t commented 5 years ago

This error happens in the vr client log for the built Xenko applications:

Sat Mar 09 2019 16:52:07.012 - IVRSystem::GetOutputDevice: Failed to get required Vulkan device function pointer (vkGetPhysicalDeviceProperties2KHR)!

... however, I haven't noticed any symptoms in the application... not sure if this is a big deal or not. I have a thread open with SteamVR support to check on this. I'm not worried about it at the moment, though.