phr00t / FocusEngine

Focus Game Engine. This is Stride/Xenko fast-tracked for Phr00t's Software games. Improvements over the original Focus on Vulkan support, PC platforms, VR, performance & ease. Cherry-picks commits from other forks as needed.
MIT License
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Needs way to select RigidBodyType (Static/Dynamic/Kinematic) #73

Closed phr00t closed 5 years ago

phr00t commented 5 years ago

I got rid of "isKinematic"-like booleans that later tried to set the RigidBodyType, since developers should be setting RigidBodyType directly. Previously you could have lines like isKinematic = true; followed by RigidBodyType = Static... which led to a bunch of confusion.

I now realize these confusing booleans were added to allow the editor to display a checkbox to set RigidBodyTypes, because the editor apparently can't show you a proper pulldown box of the 3 types (Static, Dynamic & Kinematic).

Somehow I need to register / add RigidBodyType to the editor inspector so it can display and use a proper pulldown box.

phr00t commented 5 years ago

Fixed with