also fixed the "shootoff - WARNING - Failed to set main window icon." message. It turns out that Tkinter.PhotoImage
is documented to only handle GIF and PGM/PPM files. So, I converted icon_48x48.png to icon_48x48.gif
and changed the code as below.
BTW, the original code works in Windows, but that is undocumented. You might want to change this to match the Tinter docs.
if platform.system() == "Windows":
# JNR, 1/22/2015, changed file from .png to .gif
icon_img = Tkinter.PhotoImage(file=os.path.join("images", "icon_48x48.gif"))'wm','iconphoto', self._window._w, icon_img)
self._logger.warning("Failed to set main window icon.")
Jim sent this:
also fixed the "shootoff - WARNING - Failed to set main window icon." message. It turns out that Tkinter.PhotoImage is documented to only handle GIF and PGM/PPM files. So, I converted icon_48x48.png to icon_48x48.gif and changed the code as below. BTW, the original code works in Windows, but that is undocumented. You might want to change this to match the Tinter docs.